“It helped to get an ID on that van. I’ve sent it to a few people who owe me a favor or two. Hopefully, we’ll hear something soon. Did you know that Elaina Robbins has had several cases of stalking, assault, and kidnapping leveled against her?”
“I had no idea.” Carter was in shock.
“Not only that, she spent a year in a mental institution.”
The guilt fell on him like a ton of bricks. “What you’re trying to say is that I brought this craziness to Harlem’s doorstep? How am I supposed to explain this to her parents?” They had arrived at the hospital and were sitting in the waiting room looking forlorn and worried.
“This isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known.” Sam tried to reassure him.
Elijah Thomas got up and joined their conversation. “Anything yet?”
Carter shook his head. “Nothing yet.”
Dr. Sky Kirby Kneeland walked out into the waiting room towards him. “Carter?”
“How is she?” Carter was genuinely worried about his mother.
“Charlotte’s in and out, but I think we’ve figured out the problem. In a lucid moment, she mentioned the possibility of being poisoned. I’ve run a few tests, and she has high traces of methyl iodide in her blood.”
“What is that?”
“It’s a poison that can be found in pesticides. It can also mimic a stroke.”
Harlem’s mom came to stand next to Carter and held his hand. He needed support. He was family, so they would give it to him.
Sky wanted to reassure Carter. “The good news is I already have your mom on a cocktail to combat it.”
“The bad news?” Carter asked.
“It’s still possible that there will be significant neurological damage.” Sky placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’m running more tests, but I won’t have definitive answers until I get the results.”
Carter folded his arms across his chest. “Thanks, Sky, for all of your help.”
“You know I’ve got you. I’ll do my best.”
“I know you will.”
“Charlotte is asking for you. You can see her but only for a few minutes.”
Carter nodded and followed Sky to Charlotte’s room. He wasn’t exactly sure how to feel. His emotions were all over the damn place. Carter had spent so much time hating Charlotte, and now she was lying in bed weak and helpless. He’d have to be heartless not to feel something.
Charlotte’s eyes remained closed, but her head turned toward the sound of the door opening. She called out to him. “Carter?”
It was hard to understand her. Carter walked over and leaned down close to Charlotte’s face. “Yes, it’s me.”
She whispered. “I’m sorry.”
Carter was close to his breaking point. “Elaina has Harlem, and I can’t find her. Is there anything you know that might help me?”
Her eyes flutter open. Charlotte struggled to speak, but she managed to eke out a few words. They were muddled and hard to understand. “Check tracking. Elaina’s car.” Saying that much seemed to take all of his mother’s strength. Her eyes closed as she slipped back into unconsciousness.
Carter left Charlotte’s room, mulling over what she’d said. He went back into the waiting room with several pairs of eyes watching him intently.
“Sam?” Carter said urgently.
“Yes.” He responded.