“It was a way for me to deal with feeling like an outcast. I could take action on the things that I could control. I could focus on and create the environment that I wanted. Then, I met Mesha and Charisma. They were so comfortable in their own skin. No one ever questioned their blackness. When they were around, they made me feel okay to be me.”
“I never would have guessed you had any insecurities. The first time I saw you, I was blown away. I thought you reeked of confidence. It was definitely your eyes that caught my attention.”
“That and your ass.” Carter chuckled. “You have a nice ass.”
“Had is more like it.” Harlem twisted around to look at it. “This baby is doing a number on my butt. I’m not sure I’ll ever get it back.” Harlem said, only half-joking.
Carter caressed her cheek. “You’re perfect. If you looked like this for the rest of your life, I’d be fine with it.”
“You’re so full of it.” Harlem couldn’t stifle her own laughter.
It was the absolute truth. Carter wouldn’t harp on it. Eventually, by his actions, Harlem would come to know the value of his words.
“I like the one you’ve been obsessing over. I also like the oak bed. It’s big and bold.”
“I’m not obsessing.” She smiled cheekily. “We’re having a girl, so I thought maybe something a little more soft and delicate.” Harlem was hesitant but pushed on with her thoughts. “Maybe the oak bed would be a good fit for the other nursery?”
Carter knew this was a challenging subject for Harlem, and he loved her even more for accepting it for what it is. “You just made a valid point. I don’t know if Elaina is having a boy or a girl.”
Harlem swallowed. “You should be finding out soon, right?”I want to vomit thinking about it. Children are innocent, so I can’t blame the baby. Raggedy women like Elaina, I can blame her.
“I should. Elaina’s just been real cagey with the doctor’s appointments. She says that seeing me stresses her out and that it’s not good for the baby. We haven’t been to an appointment together since we confirmed her pregnancy.”
Harlem was curious. “Are you okay with that?”
“No. I’m not. Elaina can try all she wants to push me out, but once that child is here, and we confirm that I’m the father, nothing will keep me from being the dad I never had.”
“You still have doubts?” Harlem was surprised that Carter had spoken her thoughts out loud.
“I’m not grasping at straws. I know that nine times out of ten, I’m the father. I just don’t want to go through life with even the tiniest bit of uncertainty.”
She nodded in understanding. “This one. We should probably get two. One for both of our places.”
Carter pulled Harlem into his arms. He whispered. “Do we really need two?”
Harlem spent a reasonable amount of time at Carter’s place but wasn’t quite ready to completely move-in. She whispered. “For now.”
Carter wanted to wake up to Harlem and fall asleep with her every night but understood why she would like to take a slower approach. “I’ll accept that answerfor now.” He mimicked her response.
Harlem still had some reservations about moving too fast. She hoped with time, their relationship would only get stronger. However, she understood that as things evolve and change, so did people. In her case, Carter was expecting a child with another woman. How would he change? She wondered.
Her relationship with Carter was still so new that Harlem wanted a little more time to settle into it. She had fallen in love with Carter and believed he felt the same. But exactly what was love? Harlem firmly believed that if love was only a version of intense passion,there was the strong possibility that it could always revert back.
Therein lie the problem and Harlem’s biggest fear.
She shook off the feeling of dread and leaned into Carter. “The Association scheduled a maintenance check for early tomorrow morning, so I’ll have to go home tonight.”
“That’s tomorrow?”
Harlem confirmed. “Yeah. A notice was posted on my door a few days ago, and they sent over a reminder text this afternoon.”
Neither of them voiced the words out loud, but it was understood that Carter wouldn’t sleepover at the condo Harlem once shared with Damian.
“Damn. No sex for me tonight.”
“What time does tonight start?” She lifted her arm to check the time on her watch. Harlem looked up with sultry eyes. “The way my clock is set-up, there are several hours between now and then.”