Page 31 of His Baby Her Gift

Elaina could hear Charlotte leave her room and walk toward the living room. She worked to straighten her demeanor.

Charlotte appeared wearing a much-practiced grin that spread wide across her face. “Thank you so much for your hospitality.” I can’t believe I’m staying in this little dump. If I didn’t have to watch every penny, I would have stayed at the hotel.Charlotte looked around before complimenting Elaina.“You have such a lovely home.”

“You are so very welcome!” Elaina lied. “Anything for Carter’s mom and the grandmother of my child.”

Charlotte cringed at the word. She couldn’t imagine being anyone’s grandmother. Time had stolen her youth, but she fought tooth and nail against it, as evidenced by her toned and slim five-foot-eight frame. Her Pilate’s instructor should be proud. Not only did Charlotte not feel old enough to be someone’s grandparent, she knew she didn’t necessarily look like one. Her friends had a different opinion about aging gracefully, and she would not take that ridiculous advice. Charlotte refused to let wrinkles reveal her truth. Her latest face-lift had taken at least ten years off of her sixty-eight-year-old self. It was the same for her hair. Charlotte would never be caught dead allowing it to gray. Absolutely not. She’d probably single-handedly put her colorist’s children through college. The woman was amazing at keeping her shiny blonde tresses styled in the same vein as top-dollar fashion models.

“Please, have a seat.” Elaina didn’t know what last name to call Charlotte. Did she call her Mrs. Owens? Mrs. DuMont? Mrs. Tillis? Elaina opted to just leave it alone and pasted on a bright smile.

“Thank you.” Charlotte took a seat next to Elaina. “This was an interesting morning.”


Charlotte turned all-knowing blue eyes toward Elaina. “I might have been much more useful if you had leveled with me. I don’t like being used without my permission.”

“I’m sorry?” Elaina pretended to be confused.

Charlotte sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest. “This ain’t my first time at this rodeo, darlin’. You’re trying to catch a man that’s already been caught. That man is my son.”

Elaina appreciated her honesty. She dropped all pretenses and figured a little truth-telling was in order too. “First, why would you help me? And secondly, how do you think you can? It doesn’t seem as if you and Carter have a warm and fuzzy relationship.”

“It’s no secret that Carter and my relationship is strained. It always has been. One day, he will realize that he owes his success to me.” Charlotte tapped a finger on her chest. “I made sure Carter had the best of everything. For years, I even put up with his father openly cheating. Douglas’s disrespect and appetite for women were voracious. I might have had a bit too much to drink to cope. But no mother has sacrificed more than I have for my son.” Her face tightened in defiance. “I downright refuse to apologize for what I sacrificed to secure his future.”

Elaina pondered her words. “Since we are being brutally honest, what about my second question. Why would you help me? What’s in it for you?”

I can control you.“I need an ally, and you’re a smart woman. I’m sure you’ve figured out I’m used to living a certain type of lifestyle. Carter is willing to provide a small monthly stipend out of obligation. He could do more. Heshoulddo more. I’m his mother, for God’s sake. The money he gives barely covers the bills. Men my age want women your age. Who knows what the future holds for another husband who can treat me the way I deserve. Since we seem to both be cut from the same cloth, I figured you could help.”

“We might be cut from the same cloth, but I’m not after Carter’s money,” Elaina said.

“Maybe not. But, you’ll stop at nothing to get my son. However, mimicking Harlem is not the way to go about it.”

Her words cut Elaina like a knife. Her eyes narrowed. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Isn’t it?” Charlotte asked. “I’ve seen photos of you before this massive transformation. Why would Carter want the knockoff if he has the real thing?” Charlotte lifted a brow. “I believe you are smart. Is that not the case?”

The edges of Elaina’s lips lifted into a smile. “Oh, Charlotte. There’s so much more to me than meets the eye.”


Elaina woke up to the sharp feeling of cramps. She bit her lower lip and took a deep breath as another sharp pain wracked her body. Elaina felt some dampness between her thighs. She was afraid she might be having a miscarriage.

Elaina waited for the pain to subside before throwing the covers off her body and getting out of bed. She stumbled around in the darkness as she made her way into her bathroom.

Elaina flipped on the light and gasped.

Her white nightgown was soaked in blood. Another sharp pain caused Elaina to double over and accidentally knock a few toiletries off her counter. It made a loud crashing noise.

“I’ve got to get to a hospital.” She whispered to herself.

Elaina was dripping all over her floor. She went into her closet to grab a few towels when another sharp pain brought Elaina to her knees.

There was a knock on her door.

“Elaina? Are you okay?”

It was Charlotte. Elaina gritted her teeth and sucked in a breath. “Y-Yes. I didn’t mean to wake you. I accidentally knocked a few bottles down. I’m alright.” Before she could finish speaking, she was wracked with another round of pain.

Down on all fours, Elaina managed to clean up her mess before crawling out to her bedroom. She took off her soiled nightgown and threw on a t-shirt and sweatpants. Elaina balled up her nightgown, the towels and placed them in a bin in her closet.