“Girl, it’s either cry or laugh. I will always choose the latter.”
“I haven’t been able to do either.” Harlem stopped rummaging through the table full of onesies and looked at Mesha. “I usually know exactly what I’m doing . . .” Harlem pressed her thumb and forefinger together, “down to the last detail. I haven’t felt in control of my life since I made the decision to have a baby. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing from one minute to the next.”
“That’s most of us.”
“Maybe.” Harlem sighed sadly. “I was supposed to move in with Carter this weekend.”
“I know.” It was why Mesha made the trek to Chicago. Harlem was going through a few too many transitions, and Mesha wanted to make sure she was okay.
“We decided to take things one step at a time.”
“We, huh? How does Carter really feel about that?”
“It’s the best I can do for now. Carter had to leave for a few days unexpectedly for business. He got back last night. If I’m honest, I’m glad to have had this time to think. When he’s around, I lose myself.”
“What is it that scares you the most?” Mesha asked.
Harlem took a moment to really think about the question before answering. “How I feel about him. It’s too much, too fast, and too much.”
“I think you already said too much.”
“Mesh, I have so many emotions flowing through me. I’m almost five months pregnant, and I haven’t really had a chance to even enjoy it. What if this is the last time I’m ever pregnant? I’ve been so focused on Damian and now Carter. I mean, seriously. Carter is having a baby with another woman. That shit is going to be crazy! I’m not sure how to deal with it. I’m not sure if I want to deal with it.”
Mesha could understand. “I think you’re doing the right thing. If you and Carter are meant to be, it’ll all work out.”
“Yeah. I hope you’re right.”
Mesha wanted to lighten the mood. “How about I treat and buy that onesie for my Goddaughter? How much is it?”
“You don’t have to do that. I’ve got it.”
Mesha plucked the little pink outfit from Harlem’s hands. She looked at the tag. “Harlem! This damn thing is a hundred and twenty-five dollars?!” A few customers turned to look at them after Mesha’s outburst.
One customer, in particular, made her way over to where Harlem and Mesha stood. “It is an adorable outfit. Maybe I should get one too.”
Harlem’s face drained of all color.What the fuck?
Elaina had mischief written all over her. “Hi, Harlem.”
She didn’t respond. Her voice was stuck in her throat.
“Isn’t that interesting? You stealmyboyfriend and have the audacity to give me the silent treatment?”
Mesha glanced between the two women. She quickly figured out that the person intruding on her conversation with Harlem was Elaina.My God. Carter certainly has a type.
Harlem was holding a few items in her hands, and she held on to them so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She wasn’t in the right headspace to deal with Elaina. Harlem pivoted and walked towards the check-out counter.
Mesha, however, had a clear mind. Her eyes narrowed. “You don’t know me, and we should keep it that way. However, fair warning, I am not above beating a pregnant woman’s ass.” Once she was sure Elaina got the message, she walked away and hurried to catch up with Harlem.
Harlem was at the counter. “Shit!” She looked all around.
“What? What are you looking for?” Mesha asked.
“I think I left my purse on that table.”
“I’ll go get it.”