Harlem wasn’t able to hold her little girl because she was in an incubator, but she could still touch her. It wasn’t the same as actually holding her, but it would do for now.
Carter’s chest was so full of love, he thought it might burst. He couldn’t imagine a life without Harlem and the most precious gift he’d ever received. “We need to name her.”
Harlem had been thinking about baby names for a while. She hoped he wouldn’t be offended. “I’ve been thinking about that. Would you be upset if we honored Damian by naming her after him?” Harlem rushed her words. “But if you don’t think that’s a good idea, I understand.”
“Actually, I think it’s a perfect idea.” Carter’s throat felt thick. “My only problem is that I have no idea how to turn Damian into a girl’s name.” Carter laughed. “That dude always knew how to make everything hard.”
“How about Damiyah? Damiyah Owens.”
“Damiyah.” He turned to the little bundle of joy in the incubator. “Damiyah Owens is perfect.”
Chapter 22
Six months later
Carter was alone as he looked out the window of his bedroom. He had finished dressing and wore a custom-made tux for this special moment. He had been looking forward to this day for a while. It was finally time to close one chapter and open another.
It was his wedding day.
“You know I can’t do this without you. I can’t believe you orchestrated all of this craziness, but I’m glad you did.” Carter chuckled as he walked over to his armoire. He opened the door and pulled out a special box. Inside the box was the letter Damian wrote to him. He’d sent it at the same time Damian sent Harlem’s letter.
Carter had read it a million times. Today would make it a million and one. Initially, reading it made Carter feel closer to Dame and less alone.
It was strange what timeand Harlemcould do. It was the rare occasion that he felt lonely these days. Harlem and Damiyah filled that void. Sometimes, he felt undeserving of their love.
Damiyah was such a joy. There was romantic love, and then there was the love of a parent. Nothing was quite like it.
Carter sat down on the edge of his bed and unfolded the well-worn paper.
How do I say goodbye to the man who has gone through the war of life with me? The guy who held me down when I had no one else?
We’ve had some times, haven’t we? Chasing women before I hooked up with Harlem and just living life. We always had each other’s back. I didn’t expect it to end so soon. I fully intended to celebrate all of life’s greatest moments together with our families. Fight it if you want, but you will end up with an amazing family. It’s what you’ve always wanted, and I’m pretty sure what you’re most afraid of having and losing. Don’t be afraid. You deserve happiness and love.
I’m dying. I won’t physically be around to hold things down with you. I don’t have long before my body leaves this earth, and there are some things I need to say and a wrong I need to right.
I won’t tell you to fix things with your parents if it’s not possible. But, if you can, try. People are not perfect, and they make mistakes. I’ve certainly made plenty. Some parents are just fucked up and figuring shit out as they go. Your mom and dad definitely fall into that category. I only say this because I’ve come to realize, in the end, life is really just about relationships and surrounding yourself with the folks you love. Look at me . . . I’m rich. Yet, I have nothing except the gift of love you and Harlem have given me.
You deserve a woman like Harlem. If I had exercised just a little self-control, the two of you would probably already be together. I know that I’m foul for that. I know that I’m equally wrong for orchestrating this situation, but I wanted to give the two of you the gift of love. I’ve seen the way you look at her. You try to hide it, but I’m your brother, I know.
Finally, do what I should have done. Marry Harlem. Give her the wedding of her dreams. Don’t let her slip through your fingers over some bullshit loyalty to a dead man. And on your wedding day, think of me for a fleeting moment, then release all the baggage. I want you both to have your happily ever after.
Till we meet again,
There was a knock on Carter’s door. He cleared his throat a couple of times before responding. “Yeah. Come in.”
Nate cracked the door and peeked his head inside before walking in. “I thought I’d come and fulfill some best-man responsibilities. How do you feel? Nervous?”
“Nervous?” Carter folded up Damian’s letter and put it inside the front pocket of his tux. “No. I’m not nervous. I’m ready.”
Harlem stood in front of the floor-length mirror surrounded by her mom, Melody, Mesha, and Charisma. Damiyah was close by with a nanny and dressed in an outfit that matched Harlem’s.
Elaine had tears in her eyes. “You look beautiful, Harlem. Just like I always knew you would.”