Page 46 of His Baby Her Gift

He nodded. “Yes, of course.”

Carter was overcome by so many different emotions. He would sort them out later. For now, his only goal was to follow Dr. Jones to the nursery to meet his daughter for the very first time.


Harlem woke up in the hospital–again. She could officially say she hated them.

Carter was slumped over her bed and holding her hand. Immediately, Harlem could feel the emptiness in her stomach. She almost began to panic until she looked around and saw all the congratulatory flowers and balloons.

Her body was in so much pain, but she needed to see her baby. She whispered. “Carter?”

The sound of her voice woke him. He looked into the most beautiful face he’d ever seen. “G’morning.” Harlem’s forehead was stitched up, her lip was busted, and she was bruised all over. Still, Carter thought Harlem was a sight for sore eyes.

“The baby?” Her brows were knitted together. Her face was tense and filled with worry.

“She’s beautiful, just like her mom.”

Harlem broke down and started to cry. Carter got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around her. He held Harlem tight until she got it all out.

“What about Elaina?” Harlem said through tears.

“You don’t ever have to worry about her again. She’s gone.”

“I killed her?” Harlem asked.

Carter wanted to reassure her. “You shouldn’t feel guilty about saving your own life and that of our baby.”

“I don’t.” Harlem blew out a long breath. Her voice was hoarse. “I just wanted to make sure this nightmare is truly over.”

“It’s over,” Carter confirmed. “We’ve had more than our share of the bad stuff in life to last a lifetime. I’ve decided to only accept the good from here on out.”

“I like that,” Harlem said softly. “Me too.” She was still cradled in his arms.

Carter kissed the top of her head. “I love you.”

Harlem lifted her head to gaze up into his eyes. “I love you too.”

“Are you sure about that?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Enough to be my wife?”

Harlem didn’t hesitate. She’d had enough of that. Her eyes turned glassy as she whispered. “Yes.”

Gently, Carter pressed his lips against hers, careful to not hurt her. “I’ll make up for this lousy proposal. I just needed to know that you want to be mine–forever.”

“I’ve been yours for a long time.”

“You should know that there’s another young lady you’re going to have to share me with. Are you ready to meet her?”

“I don’t think I can wait another second.”

Carter helped Harlem get out of bed. She was really sore and needed the assistance of a wheelchair. This time, Harlem didn’t complain about it.

Carter pushed Harlem into the nursery. This time, he would not make the same mistake of taking his eyes off of her.

The second Harlem took one look at their daughter, the tears flowed like a waterfall.