Elijah took her hand in his and squeezed. “He will be, and so will we. I’ll give him a minute to be alone before I go talk to him.”
Carter took a seat in the Chapel. After some time, he lowered his head and began to silently pray. “I have no idea if I’m doing this right because I’ve never done it before. But if you’re real, pleasepleasesave Harlem and our baby. She doesn’t deserve to suffer for my mistakes. I’d gladly give my life to save theirs.”
Harlem’s father slipped inside the Chapel as Carter was praying. He could both see and hear the anguish in his words and body.
Elijah took a seat next to Carter. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Harlem’s a fighter. She and the baby are going to pull through this. Your mom will too.”
“Elijah, I’m not quite sure how you can talk to me right now.” Carter’s guilt was overwhelming. His voice was pained. “I’ve put Harlem through pure hell.”
“I can talk to you because you’re family, and that’s what we do. We support each other. You’re not responsible for what Elaina tried to do tonight. The woman was batshit crazy, and that’s not your fault.”
Carter wasn’t quite sure a person was supposed to curse in a church, but he figured God might give them a pass given the circumstances.
“What you are responsible for is finding Harlem and getting her to the hospital. I shudder to think what might have happened if you hadn’t.”
Carter was grateful for his words. “Elijah, when Harlem comes through this, may I have your permission to marry her?”
“You’ve already proven you would love, honor, and protect her. What more can a father ask?IFshe’ll have you, then yes. You’re not Idris Elba, so I don’t know, but you certainly have my permission.”
Elijah stood. “We should probably get back. Harlem’s mom is going to worry herself sick. It helps her nerves to be able to lay eyes on you.”
Carter wasn’t used to this kind of care. It moved him.
Two hours later, Dr. Jones came out of the delivery room. Everyone stood anxiously for news. Carter was front and center, bracing himself for the worst.
Carter couldn’t read his face. It was blank. His heart was beating so fast, Carter was sure everyone could see it.
Finally, a smile filled with relief covered Dr. Jones’ face. “Carter, you have a strong and healthy baby girl.”
Carter couldn’t believe it. “She’s here?”
“She’s here. We thought she might need a blood transfusion, but she didn’t. Therefore, we didn’t need any of your blood. Of course, she’s early, so she will need some special care, but her development is right on track.”
“Blood?” Mesha asked, confused. “You’re a match? How would you know already?”
It was time for Carter to come clean. Harlem might be pissed, but he hoped she would understand. He ran a tired hand across his face. “I know this might be hard to believe, but I am the biological father of Harlem’s baby. That’s how I know about her blood. Damian and Harlem asked that I be their sperm donor before we knew that he was sick. I agreed because it was important to Damian. He set Harlem and me up to fall in love and have the family that neither he nor I ever had. It was technically his baby and her gift, or our gift, so to speak.”
Dr. Jones co-signed. “I can confirm that Carter was the donor since I handled the procedure.”
“That is some crazy shit,” Nate said, dumbfounded. “I can believe it. Sounds like Damian.”
Mesha and Charisma glanced at one another. Charisma leaned over for Mesha’s ears only. “If Harlem doesn’t write the book, I sure as hell will.”
“How is Harlem?” Carter asked.
Dr. Jones cleared his throat as he provided an update on her condition. “Harlem’s been through a lot. She’s in recovery. It might be at least another hour before you can see her, but she should make a full recovery.” There was a collective sigh that went around the room.
“Fortunately, the scalpel missed any major organs in both Harlem and your daughter.”
My daughter. Carter had a daughter. It didn’t seem real.
Carter was surrounded by congratulations. Nate slapped him on the back. “We’ve got to stop having babies like this.” He chuckled, remembering the birth of his own son.
“Welcome to the club.” Elijah gripped Carter’s hand.
Dr. Jones took a moment to enjoy the celebration with everyone else. Then, he turned to Carter. “Do you want to go up to see her? You won’t be able to hold her just yet, since she’s in an incubator, but you can still visit.”