“C’mon, Harlem. You’re pregnant with my baby.”
She reared her head back as if he’d slapped her. Harlem’s face turned ashen. She swallowed hard a few times before she could get her voice to work. It took a moment, but when she was finally able to speak, her words dripped with barely contained rage. “Don’t you ever say that!Ever.” She enunciated each word through clenched teeth. “This is not your baby. It’shis.”
Chapter 3
Harlem almost ran out of her hospital room to get away from Carter. Her face was still hot from their exchange as she pressed her cheek up against the cool glass of the emergency room doors.
She could sense him the moment he walked up and stood behind her. And as much as Harlem wanted to get into the Uber that had recently pulled into the circular drive, she couldn’t. It wasn’t safe.
Carter figured he’d given her enough time to calm down. Harlem had been through a lot. Not just tonight but over the past couple of months. He understood the root cause of her outbursts. But DNA didn’t lie. No matter how much Harlem may not have wanted him to be the father of her baby, no matter how much he may not have wanted it . . . he was.
Carter meant what he had said. He hoped Harlem would see reason, but if she didn’t, he was fully prepared to follow-through on his promise of carrying her out. Carter cleared his throat. “You ready?”
Harlem inhaled long and deep. She didn’t say a word. She couldn’t. Instead, Harlem pushed off the glass and started to walk out of the door. Quietly, Carter gave her some space as he followed a few steps behind.
She turned slightly and spoke over her shoulder. “I need to tell the driver.”
“I’ll do it.” Carter went over to the only car in the circular drive. He talked to the driver and tipped him a hundred-dollar bill. Carter then made his way back over to Harlem, and they walked to his car.
They didn’t speak the entire ride to her place. It was the longest twenty-three minutes of Carter’s life.
He pulled into the parking garage of Harlem’s condo. As they came closer to her designated parking area, the sound of her voice broke through the silence. “Take my spot.”
Carter did as she asked and maneuvered his car to where she had requested.
“I’ll walk you up.”
Harlem wanted to pull out her hair from frustration. She had been confined long enough with Carter Owens. “It’s not necessary. There is on-site, twenty-four-hour security in this building.”
Carter wasn’t about to argue. It was late, and he was exhausted. Instead, he just got out of the car. Then, came around to Harlem’s side and opened her door. She was slow and moved like a robot. It was clear from her body language that she was stiff, possibly from the carjacking altercation. Like the stubborn woman he’d known her to be, Harlem wouldn’t lean on him for support. Carter would be there just in case. He wondered if she would ever forgive him.
Each step towards her condo felt heavy as they walked to the elevators and finally to her front door.
Harlem pulled out her key. “I’ve got it from here.”
“Just let me check—”
Her voice was strangled. “Carter,please.”
He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I know you’re pissed. I know you’d rather it was him and not me. But I am the one who is here. Let me help you. It’s the least I can do.”
She turned and held his gaze. “You’ve done more than enough.” Harlem glanced down at her belly. She hadn’t even begun to show. Harlem didn’t have any fight left. “I will call you as soon as I get settled.”
Carter knew she was already stressed out, and as much as he wanted to push, he decided not to. It wasn’t good for the baby. “If you don’t call in fifteen minutes, I’m coming inside. Understood?”
She could only muster two words. “I’ll call.” Harlem turned, opened the door, and walked through it.
She rested her back against the door and closed her eyes. Finally, she could breathe. Harlem stood motionless for a while. She wasn’t sure for how long but knowing Carter, if she didn’t call, he would come busting into her place. The mere sight of him was too much. It pierced the bubble of her fantasy and allowed the truth to seep in.
Her soul couldn’t handle it.
Harlem pushed off the door. She fished for her phone inside her back pocket and dialed Carter’s number. He answered before it finished the first ring. “I’m fine and safe.”
Carter hadn’t left. He had been standing outside waiting. “Good. Harlem?”
She whispered. “What?”
“I may not be who you want to call for anything, but I promise, I’ll always be here for you and the baby. We’ll figure this out.”