Page 47 of Her Baby His Gift

Carter couldn’t imagine it.

“C’mon, Harlem. Help me with dessert.” Her mom said.

Oh shit. That meant her dad still had some questions.Slowly, she rose from her chair and gave Carter the,I’m sorrylook.

Once they had left the room, Elijah got down to business. “Harlem means everything to me.Everything. I disapproved of how she chose to start her family, but she did it anyway. I’m all for in-vitro, but Damian wouldn’t commit to her as in marrying my daughter.”

Carter stood up for his friend. “Damian loved Harlem. He was completely committed and would have been one hell of a dad.”

Elijah didn’t want to be insensitive. “That may be true. Regardless of how I feel about this situation, I will always have my daughter’s back. She has been through a lot this year. Not minimizing your loss, but Harlem is my only child. She’s single and pregnant. Sperm donor or not, that kid is going to be here around Christmas. What’s your plan?”

Carter took a deep breath. “I will be there for her and the baby. They will always be able to count on me. However, you should know, Harlem doesn’t consider me the father of her child. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it either.”

“Harlem might feel the way she feels, but that child that’s growing inside of her body probably won’t feel the same way.” Elijah scratched the side of his jaw. “Look, I understand why couples who can’t conceive would want to go the in-vitro route, but my guess is this situation is a little different. Again, I’m asking, what is the plan?”

Carter hadn’t thought that far down the road. “All I can do is my best. For now, we’re taking it one step at a time.”

Elijah could see his mind working and felt that he had made his point. “That’s all any of us can do.” He picked up a glass of lemonade and took a drink. “You fish?” Elijah asked the question as if he hadn’t just taken the lynch pin out of several grenades.

“Can’t say that I do,” Carter answered.

“Let’s schedule some time. How about two Sundays from now?”

“In the cold?” Carter asked.

“Ice fishing is the best.” Elijah laughed. “I’ll guide you through it. How the hell are you going to teach my grandchild to fish if you don’t know what you’re doing?”

Carter had a feeling Mr. Thomas was talking about more than just fishing. Carter nodded. “I’ll clear my schedule.” Just as he finished speaking, Harlem and her mom came out of the kitchen carrying dessert plates.

Harlem looked anxious.

“Is that peach cobbler?” Elijah said as if he and Carter had only been talking about the weather.

Elaine sat his plate down in front of him. “Yep. Sure is. We have vanilla ice-cream to go with ours, but Harlem has black-walnut ice-cream.”

Harlem mouthed to Carter as she touched his shoulder and placed his dessert in front of him. “Are you okay?”

He nodded.

It was the little touches and glances that piqued her parent’s interest.

After another hour, it was time for Carter to go. “I should get going. I need to get to the hotel.”

“What?” Elaine said. “Oh no. You’re not going to a hotel when we have three spare bedrooms.”

“Mrs. Thomas, you’ve been more than gracious. I couldn’t possibly.”

“Nonsense. Tomorrow is a big day. You and Harlem are going to visit Damian for his birthday. I refuse to allow you to be by yourself tonight. You should be with family.”

Her words hit him hard. Aside from Damian, Carter only had himself to depend on. He didn’t really know what to say. The simple words ofthank youfelt inadequate, but it was all he could croak out. “Thank you.”


Harlem knocked softly on Carter’s door. He opened it. “Hey.”

She was holding two mugs. “You want some coffee?”

“That would be great.”