Page 42 of Her Baby His Gift

Damian turned watery eyes to Harlem. “Baby, I should have married you years ago. It will be one of the greatest regrets of my life.”

Harlem’s heart was beating so fast and hard she was sure they could see it. “Why are you talking like this?”

He didn’t answer that question yet. Instead, Damian continued with his speech. “I know that you and Carter barely tolerate each other. My hope is that the two people I love most would be there for each other after I’m gone.”

“I-I don’t understand.” Harlem’s brain couldn’t process his words.

Carter swallowed hard. “What are you saying?”

The anguish on Damian’s face said it all, but he had to say the words out loud. Maybe then, he would start to believe them. “I’m dying.”

Tears began to roll down Harlem’s face. “No.” She shook her head. “You can’t be. You’re too young.”

Damian didn’t have the strength to be strong for them. “I wish that were the case, but it’s not.”

Carter felt like he was sleepwalking. He refused to believe it. “You can beat this. I’ll start making some calls.”

Damian knew that would be his response. “This is a problem we can’t throw money at. I’ve had the best doctors, and I’ve been in treatment over the past few months. So far, it’s not working.” He turned to Harlem. “The woman you heard over the phone this afternoon was my nurse. I’ve been going through an experimental treatment.” Damian smiled weakly. “It’s a last resort kind of thing. If it works, fantastic. If not, the doctors have given me a few weeks to get my affairs in order.”

Harlem’s hand went to her stomach. “That can’t be right. It can’t be.”

Damian was in agony. It was as if his heart was being held in a steel vice. “My baby is finally having a baby.”

Carter was caught between disbelief, sadness, and anger.A baby?!Harlem was pregnant.He attempted to keep his temper in check. “The treatments took?”

“Yeah. We found out a few days ago.” Damian responded.

“Why would you work to have a baby using my sperm, knowing all of this?!”

Damian’s guilt wouldn’t even allow him to look at Harlem. “You have a right to be pissed—both of you. Initially, I pushed ahead out of denial, but I had another idea when the truth finally started to settle. I figured a baby would heal all of us.”

“Heal us? How in God’s name?” Carter was utterly dumbfounded.

Harlem still couldn’t speak.

“I thought wrongly that it would give me the family I’ve always wanted. A child would help Harlem to realize that she doesn’t always have to be perfect. And, finally, a baby would show you that it was possible to love someone more than yourself.” Damian extended his hands. “Look, I should have put trying to have a baby on pause until I beat cancer. I never thought in a million years that I wouldn’t win this battle. When I realized this was a fight I wasn’t going to win, I was fully prepared to come clean. I was dead wrong to not have fully disclosed my diagnosis the second I found out.”

The magnitude of Damian’s words hit Harlem like a ton of bricks. Damian was dying, and she was pregnant. “I-I need a minute.” Harlem shot out of her chair and left the room.

Carter was in total and complete shock. Damian was standing there telling him that he was dyingandconfirming that Harlem was pregnant.

He was going to be sick.

Damian glanced heavenward. “I have no right to ask this of you.”

“No. You don’t.” Carter agreed. He was seething and devastated. “So, don’t do it. You can beat this thing, and you are going to be a great father.”

“I’m fighting as hard as I can, but if something were to happen to me, I need you to take care of Harlem and the baby.”

“What the fuck, Damian? Harlem doesn’t need me to take care of her.” He ran a hand down the back of his head. “This is some bullshit. I want to punch you in the face and hug you at the same time!” Carter’s voice was strangled. “How could you plan my life and Harlem’s without letting us in on it?!”

“At the time, it sounded like the perfect plan. You and Harlem can raise this baby. Hell, you might even fall in love.”

“That’s sick. How can I love your woman?”

“The more I thought about it, the more I realized you’re actually perfect for each other. Harlem is softer than you think, and you’re not as tough as you believe. You’re going to need someone after I’m gone.”

“That’s the meds from your treatments talking.”