Page 32 of Her Baby His Gift

Carter ordered a hearty breakfast and a cup of coffee too. Once their server left, Carter got right down to it. “I thought you’d still be flying high after closing that multi-million dollar deal the other night. What’s up? What’s going on?”

“Another negative test.” Damian rolled his head around his shoulders. “I thought for sure we were pregnant.”

“Damn, man. I’m sorry.”

“She had all the symptoms.” Damian sighed. “I just . . . never thought having a baby would be this difficult. Back in the day, I remember all too well being terrified of a positive pregnancy test.”

“Back in the day?” Carter laughed. “What are you talking about? Some of us are still in the game. I’m still terrified.”

“Maaaaan.You are getting too old for that shit. How old was Joy? Twenty-four? Twenty-five?”

Carter smirked. “Twenty-two.”

“If you had just onegrownwoman, maybe Harlem wouldn’t mind it so much when we hang out.” Damian chuckled but it was half-hearted. “Seriously, everyone around us are starting families. Don’t you want that too?”

“Nope. Not ever. I’ll leave that to you and the guys.”

“You do realize you’re the Godfather to Nate and Spencer’s kids, right? And when Harlem and I finally have children, you’ll be the Godfather to ours too.”

“Yeah, so?”

“If something were to happen to any of us, YOU would have to take up parental responsibilities.”

Carter laughed out loud. “First, I’m a co-Godfather. Before that happyhonoris bestowed upon me, itwould fall toyou, Nate, or Spencer. Therefore, it’ll never happen.”

“Actually, I never planned to make you a co-Godfather. If Harlem and I ever have children and anything were to happen to me, I want you to look after my kids and her.”

All jokes aside, Carter was stunned. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

Damian shrugged as if he hadn’t just dropped a nuclear bomb. “It makes perfect sense. Nobody knows me like you do, not even Nate or Spencer. That matters to me for whoever is raising my children. And Harlem . . . she can sometimes get too caught up in her head. You would make sure she had balance.”

Carter couldn’t fathom that scenario. He did not have the patience that Damian had. He would end up going to prison for choking the shit out of her. “I know damn well you haven’t discussed this with Harlem.”

“Not yet.”

“I hate to tell you this, but Harlem and I only have one thing in common, and that’s you.”

“Maybe.” If they weren’t already in love, Damian thought Carter and Harlem would be a perfect match. He sighed. “If I remember correctly, you spotted Harlem first. I just beat you to the punch.”

“That was a blessing for all of us,” Carter said. Harlem was hands down one of the most attractive women he’d ever met, but she was also one of the most rigid and stubborn women he’d ever known too.

“Being a guardian to our children might not be anything you have to worry about. Honestly, I’m not sure how much more of this baby rollercoaster we can take. It’s really taking a toll on us.”

“It’ll happen. You just need to be patient.” Carter said assuredly. “Some people have been trying for years.”

Damian wasn’t as confident. “True. I’m lucky to have Harlem. She’s an amazing woman. I just feel like a baby would really seal the deal between us.”

Harlem was the lucky one. Carter thought. He had never seen this side of Damian. The man sounded almost insecure. “Are you trying to tell me that you don’t think your relationship would survive not having kids? If so, that’s fucked up.”

“That’s not it. I’m almost thirty-two, and I just want what I’ve never really had, and that’s a family.”

“That part makes sense. Why don’t you just get married if you’re looking to trap Harlem?” Carter said, only half-joking.

“You know how I feel about that. Marriage is a certificate. It doesn’t guarantee shit.”

Carter sat back in his seat. “Can’t argue with you there. I’ll even go so far as to say monogamy is not natural. Not long-term anyway. Not sure how you people do it.”

“I can’t see any woman putting up with yo ass long-term either.” Damian laughed before turning serious again. “Monogamy can be a challenge, but with the right woman, it’s worth it. Harlem checks all of my boxes. If you quit hanging around women barely out of high school, you might find that person whose mind is as sexy as her body.”