Page 20 of Her Baby His Gift

“I just want to get there and get settled. I’ve only been to Zion once for the funeral, and I wasn’t paying attention to where anything was located.”

“Then, you’re lucky you have me as your tour guide.”

“My assistant, Amy, told me it’s like a small town in a Hallmark movie. Given that I’ve never seen one, I’m anxious to get there and take in the lay of the land.”

“Amy is half right. It’s where I grew up. And, just so you know, in a Hallmark movie, there aren’t any franchises. We have a Dunkin Donuts and a McDonald’s. Although, I’m dying to check out this new restaurant called Dada’s Soul! I heard they make the best catfish you’ve ever had.”

“I’ve never had catfish.”

Harlem rolled her eyes. “You are such a spoiled rich boy. We’ll have to change that when we get there. My mom will try to stuff you with all kinds of comfort foods, so we’ll have to sneak off.”

He opened her car door, and Harlem slid inside. Carter walked around to his side and got in. “Your mom cooks?”

“Are you serious?” She asked.

He pressed the ignition button. “Yeah.”

“Carter, can you not see that I’m black?”

“Of course, I can see that. What does your race have to do with anything?” He pulled out of the garage.

“It means I come from a family with southern roots that can throw down in the kitchen. My mom is going to treat you like you’re one of the family. Now, my dad on the other hand, he’s going to act like he wants to kill you. Just ignore that part.” Harlem giggled mostly to herself. “His bark is much bigger than his bite.”

Carter frowned as he pulled out into traffic. “Why would he do that?”

“For one, he’s my dad. I’m not sure if they like any guy their daughters bring home regardless of the fact we’re only friends. And secondly, my parents know the truth.”

He raised a brow in surprise. “You told them?”

“Of course. They’re my parents. I don’t keep much of anything from them.”



“I don’t know many folks who are that close to their parents. Damian may have grown up in foster and group homes, but I may as well have too. The main difference between us as it relates to family was that mine has money. They were never around for anything. I haven’t talked to my mom or dad in over a year.” Carter couldn’t imagine his mother in a kitchen. “I’m not sure if my mom even knew where the kitchen was.”

It all clicked in Harlem’s mind. She totally understood why Carter had such a hard time forming intimate relationships. Harlem covered his hand with hers. “I’m sorry.”

Bewildered, Carter turned to her with a blank look and slack expression. “For what?”

“You really don’t understand how important family plays into forming who you are?”

His lips tightened. “I turned out okay.”

Harlem could see that she unintentionally hit a nerve. She didn’t mean to offend him and tried to soften her words. “True. Other than your big head, I guess one could say that you turned out alright.” She paused. “Seriously. Would you consider that there is another side to family and let me show it to you?” If Carter wanted to be a part of this baby’s life, he had a lot to learn in a short amount of time.

He doubted that there was more to learn, but if so, he wanted to find out. “Not sure what that could be, but I’m open.” He responded.

For now, that was enough. Harlem yawned, then settled into her seat, not realizing that she had never removed her hand from his.

Carter mulled over Harlem’s words. She managed to get him to discuss things he’d didn’t want to talk about, and it was unsettling.

Carter changed his mind. He was just about to tell her that discussing his family was off-limits. Only Harlem had fallen asleep.

Carter sighed. He was not looking forward to this trip for many reasons, but the primary being how the warmth of her hand covering his made him feel. It was unsettling yet weirdly comforting.

Chapter 11