“You’re both welcome. And again, Congratulations.” Dr. Jones walked out of the room.
Carter was in total shock. “You’re having a baby.” He said in awe.
“I am. A girl.” Harlem watched him process it all right before her eyes.
Carter had known that Harlem was pregnant, but there had been a small part of him that still felt as if it was Damian’s child . . . until today. The reality of their situation hit home. Harlem was not only having a baby. She was havinghisbaby.
Out of nowhere, Carter leaned over and kissed her. Harlem was shocked initially, but then she gave in to the kiss, and her eyes fluttered closed.
After several long moments, slowly, Carter pulled back.What the fuck have I done?“Harlem, I . . .”
Harlem was breathless. “I-It’s fine.”What in the world?His kiss rocked her to the core and scared the shit out of her. “We’re both emotional.” Harlem’s explanation wasn’t just for Carter. “I should get dressed.”
Carter cleared his throat. “Yes. Of course.”
Quickly, Harlem slid off of the table and ran-walked into the bathroom to change.
Carter could kick himself. He was losing it.Did I really kiss her?There was no doubt about it. The better question was, why did he enjoy it so much?
Chapter 28
It was strange. Harlem was on such a high that she wanted to skip to the car. Simultaneously, she was freaked the hell out about the kiss she shared with Carter–and her dream.
He hadn’t said a word as they walked to the parking lot. Harlem kept stealing glances at his face to try to figure out what Carter was thinking. It was blank. She couldn’t read him. Maybe he wanted to forget it happened. It was probably best.
Carter opened her door, and she got inside. He walked around to the driver’s side, opened his door, and slid inside. He immediately turned the heat up to full blast. “Are you warm enough?”
“It’s like zero degrees outside. Literally. Blowing cold air is not helping.” Harlem laughed nervously. “It’s also February in Chicago. I’m freezing, but that’s okay. I’m sure the car will warm up soon enough.”
He turned the heat down. Carter wouldn’t glance her way. “I wasn’t thinking.” He was freaking the fuck out. “I should have hit the automatic start before we came out here.”
“It’s fine.”
“No. It’s not. You’re having a baby.”
“Well, yeah. We’ve kinda known that for a while.”
Carter finally looked over at her. “No. I mean, you’re actually having a baby.”
Harlem was about to burst out laughing from his months-long delayed reaction, but she refrained. “A girl. Can you believe it?”
Carter watched her mouth move as she spoke. What he wouldn’t give to taste her lips again. He was losing it. “Never mind.” He pulled out of the parking lot.
“No. What? Tell me what you were thinking. This has to be incredibly strange for you.”
“Strange is one way to put it. This situation is a lot of things.” He said more to himself than her.
Harlem wanted to ask him so bad about the kiss, but that would open a door that neither of them was probably prepared to walk through. Still, Harlem would take her cues from Carter. If he wanted to pretend nothing happened, then so would she. “Hey, can we stop by Harold’s Chicken & Waffles? I have a craving.”
“You’re hungry?”
“I’m always hungry.”
“Then Harold’s it is.”