Page 16 of Her Baby His Gift

“Because you felt obligated?” Harlem finished his sentence.

“If I’m honest, yes.”

Of course, that was why he would show up, but it was still hard to hear but no longer surprising. Harlem wasn’t quite sure why. She guessed it was because they weren’t doing things in the natural order of things.

Carter continued. “But something changed. When I heard the baby’s heartbeat . . .” His words faded.

“It became real,” Harlem said softly.

It was something like that, but more so that Carter’s caveman instincts kicked in. He decided to keep that bit of information to himself.

“For me too,” Harlem said honestly.

“Really?” Carter was surprised. “I thought the pregnancy would have already felt real.”

“I haven’t had a chance to process being pregnant. Shortly after I found out the in-vitro was a success, Damian told us about his illness. After that, I poured everything into him.”

Carter had witnessed it firsthand. “He was lucky to have you.”

“He was lucky to have you too,” Harlem said earnestly.

“What? Was that another compliment from Harlem Thomas? If so, that makes two in the past week.”

“Maybe, but if you tell another living soul, I’ll deny it.” She laughed.

Their server came over to take their order. After she’d gone, Carter teased Harlem. “You ordered almost everything on the menu.”

“I sure did because you’re paying.”

Her laugh actually reached her eyes. Carter couldn’t help but notice how they sparkled. It made him feel a little less stressed the fuck out. “I don’t know if I have enough money on my credit card to pay for it all.” He chuckled, then turned serious. “It’s good to see you smile.”

“If I’m honest, it’s good to have something to smile about.” Harlem glanced down at her hands. “Thank you for coming today. I was so nervous. I know that I’ve been a little difficult and put up a few roadblocks,” she looked up, “Thanks for ignoring them.”

“That’s what friends are for, right?” The corners of his lips lifted into a light smile.

“Is that what we are?” She asked, genuinely curious.

Carter placed his hand on top of hers and held her gaze. “No. We haven’t been, but now that we have a common goal, I hope that we can be.”

Harlem was just about to agree when Elaina showed up at their table. “Well, isn’t this cozy?” Harlem slowly pulled her hands from underneath Carter’s and placed them in her lap.

His brow raised in surprise and then knitted together with irritation. “What are you doing here?”

Harlem could only imagine how they may have looked to a jealous girlfriend.

Elaina crossed her arms. “I love Benny’s bagels and thought I’d drop by to grab a couple. Imagine my surprise at finding my boyfriend snuggled up with his baby-mama.”

Baby-mama?Harlem didn’t like the way the words dripped from her lips.

“You’re joking, right?” Carter said.

“That’s it?” Elaina’s voice was becoming elevated. “That’s all you’ve got for an explanation?”

“It’s not what it looks like.” Harlem started to explain then decided against it.

Carter was trying hard not to let his rising anger show. “It doesn’t look like anything!”

Harlem couldn’t believe he was that naïve. She couldn’t stand Elaina, so Harlem wasn’t inclined to explain a damn thing. Instead, she scooted out of the booth. “I’m going to the ladies' room. I’ll let you two sort this out.”