Page 12 of Her Baby His Gift

Harlem knew from the fierce look in his clear blue eyes that Carter intended to at least try to keep that promise. “If Elaina is truly the one, it might be a little tough.”

“I’ll worry about Elaina.”

Skeptical, Harlem raised an eyebrow.

Carter ignored her. “You have a doctor’s appointment on Saturday at nine, right?”

Harlem never told him about her doctor’s visit. “How’d you—?” She didn’t finish her sentence.

“I have my ways.” He looked at her pointedly. “I meant what I said.”

“It’s kind of creepy. Maybe even stalkerish.”

“Stop being secretive and cagey, and I won’t have to go behind your back to get information.”

Harlem couldn’t promise that. “You’re still on a need-to-know basis, Carter.”

“Then, I’ll continue to get my information how I get it.” He blinked and feigned innocence. “Seriously, we’ll figure our way through the minefields.”

Carter was more optimistic than she was. He was right about one thing, this situation was full of minefields, and Harlem could foresee them blowing up in their faces.

Chapter 7

Carter left Harlem’s condo on a mission. He headed straight to Elaina’s office. They needed to have a serious conversation.

She had overstepped.

Elaina was standing just outside her door talking to someone when she caught sight of Carter walking towards her. She beamed. “Speaking of the devil.”

Her colleague turned around. She gave Carter a head-to-toe once over. “This is your guy? The one who filled your office with all those beautiful flowers?”

“The one and only, Carter Owens,” Elaina said proudly.

She stepped around her friend and walked over to kiss him. Subtly, he moved so that her lips caught the corner of his mouth.

Carter spoke in a low growl. “I need to talk to you.”

His tone and the set of his shoulders clued Elaina to the fact that he was pissed. She wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t expected it to happen this soon. It had only been a couple of hours since she’d spoken with Harlem. Elaina smiled wide and pretended as if there wasn’t any tension between them. “Of course. My afternoon is actually free.” She grabbed him by the arm and walked into her office. Once inside, she closed the door.

Elaina ignored his tempered anger. “You didn’t have to do all of this.” She glanced around the room at the flowers. “Although I do appreciate it. All the ladies in the office are green with envy at your thoughtfulness.”

Carter didn’t waste any time getting to the point. “You were out of line.”

Elaina placed a hand over her chest. She spoke with righteous indignation. “I was out of line?”

“I didn’t stutter. You. Were. Out. Of. Line.” He reiterated.

She dropped all pretenses too. “I know you’re upset. But try to see things from my point-of-view. We can’t make our relationship work if there are three of us in this relationship. There needed to be some clear lines drawn in the sand, and I drew them.”

“I confided in you because I thought I could trust you. Harlem is fragile right now . . .”

“That’s my point! You’re more concerned with her fragility than me. The woman you claim you want to build a life with. Does that make any sense?”

A twinge of controlled anger was laced in his tone. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

“You don’t even realize it, but you are. Harlem is the priority.”

Carter couldn’t believe how unsympathetic Elaina’s attitude was. “Harlem just lost Damian. She’s alone and pregnant. What do you expect me to do?!”