Page 58 of Full Throttle

“No, it’s not,” she countered.

“You don’t work for me,” Liam said stubbornly. He ran a frustrated hand over his face, then reached out to cup her cheek. “I want to explore us.”

Neither of them said anything for long moments. Colby would love to explore a relationship with Liam but how? Colby had to make Liam understand. “I wish . . .” Her voice trailed off. It softened when she spoke again. “I could lose everything. The stakes are so much higher for me.”

Liam couldn’t argue. The stakeswerehigher for her, and he couldn’t think of one damn argument to counter it. Slowly, his arm lowered. “I’ve never walked away from anything I’ve wanted in my life, and I wantyou.”

Colby’s eyes pleaded with his. “I’m drawn to you like I’ve never been drawn to anyone too, but on this, walking away is the only thing we can do.”So much for Lila’s stupid plan.

Liam wasn’t sure he could. They’d both already tried to fight their attraction and still ended up in bed together. Now that they’d been together, it was going to be next to impossible. “What you’re asking is for me to pretend that we never had the best sex of our lives? To act like what’s happening between us isn’t happening?”

Colby didn’t respond because it was clear from the look on her face that was exactly what she expected. Sadly, Colby glanced away. She couldn’t hold his gaze.

Liam took a finger and placed it underneath her chin, turning her back toward him. “What you’re telling me is that all we have is now?” Liam stared into her eyes.

Colby whispered, “It’s all I’m able to give.”

Liam was not ready to accept that, but he didn’t have a good enough argument, yet. Instead, he inhaled deeply. Liam meant what he’d said. He had never walked away from anything he ever wanted, and he wanted Colby. Instead of arguing the point, Liam just kissed her so passionately that her toes curled.

“Let’s go take a shower.”


It was late morning when Colby woke again. Liam was still sleeping. Quietly, she reached up to grab her phone.

She had several voice mails, quite a few actually, and even more text messages. The first message she read was Lila’s.

Where are you? Have you heard? Did you see it?

See what?Colby wondered. The next message almost sent her into a full-blown panic.

Oh, my God, Colby! This is crazy!!

Colby was too nervous to read the rest of the texts, so she listened to her voice mail. Again, the first one was from Lila.

Colby James! I know you’re off gallivanting, but you have got to see this! I sent you the link.

Colby switched back to her texts and found the link Lila had provided. Colby clicked on it. Her phone almost dropped out of her hands as she covered her mouth and screamed.

Chapter 19

Liam woke up and immediately reached for his gun that he kept hidden underneath his pillow. Markos and another bodyguard barged into the bedroom, both with guns drawn.

Colby’s eyes widened as she clutched the sheet to her chest. “What in the entire hell?!”

“Is everything alright?” Markos looked past Colby toward Liam.

Liam turned to Colby for a response.

Embarrassed, she yelled, “I-I’m fine! Please. Get outttt!” Slowly, Markos nodded and did as asked.

“My God, Liam. Why do you have goons outside your door?” Colby was freaked-out. “Do you think they heard us last night?”

Liam needed a minute for his own heart rate to slow down. He ignored her questions. His tone was curt. “Why the hell were you screaming like a banshee?!” Before Colby could answer, Liam’s phone began to buzz. He ignored it, something he seldom did.

Liam wanted an answer. “Well? What?”

Colby blinked several times as she held Liam’s gaze and nervously bit her lower lip. After giving herself a moment to pull herself together, she responded, “Lila sent me this.” She lifted her phone so that Liam could see it. She clicked on the link, and a video started to play. “It’s gone viral.”