Page 32 of Full Throttle

Colby James was an enigma. She was also impressive as fuck. He couldn’t get the image of her at the restaurant out of his mind. He wondered how those lips tasted. Her breasts?They were just sitting there like two ripe melons, begging him to sample one of those erect nipples that poked through her dress. It was a miracle he had managed to keep his almost immediate physical attraction to her hidden.

There were no secrets in his hotel room. His body was free to react exactly the way it was supposed to when aroused.Still thinking of her,Liam wrapped his hand around the base of his hardening cock and began to stroke.Initially, his movements were slow, but when he tightened his hold, he quickly began to grow thicker and harder.

The tip of his penis began to leak. Liam used the pre-cum as a lubricant.

He slid his hand up and down his shaft, imagining it was the tight pussy lips of the woman he’d only recently met. The mere thought of having her naked body under his brought Liam to a full-on erection. There would be no sleep until he could relieve that tension.

Liam’s breath quickened as he increased his grip and speed. He turned his hand, so it slid down his cock forefinger first, twisting it until he reached the base, only to reverse the motion as his hand glided its way back up, then kneading the tip with his thumb.

His movements made him feel as if he were in the virginal grip of a woman, and the pressure to release was building. He could feel himself start to tighten.

Liam squeezed his penis a little harder and placed it against his stomach with one hand while rapidly moving it up and down the underside of his cock.

The tingling began in his groin and started to spread up through his spine. Liam was about to cum. He increased the intensity of his movements and, seconds later, erupted thick, rope-like semen, oozing all over his hands.

He gave himself a moment to catch his breath then grabbed the towel he’d dried off with earlier to clean up.

Liam yawned.

His last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were of her and the fact that her ex had to the dumbest man on the planet.

Chapter 11

The drive home was made in almost complete silence. Lila’s body was stiff as a board as she stared out of the window.

Colby glanced away from the road long enough to check on her. Her tone was gentle. “Are you alright?”

Lila didn’t respond right away.

Colby was starting to get worried. “Do we need to file a police report? Or do we need to call crazy cousin Larry and go kick some ass?”

Lila’s head snapped around. “No! Oh, God, no.” She released a long and exaggerated sigh. “Brian’s a good guy. I just—” Her voice broke off.

Colby was skeptical. “If he is such a good guy, why did you look like you were going to faint when you saw him?”

Lila threw her head back onto the headrest and squeezed her eyes shut. She whispered, “Because Brian’s my biggest mistake.”

Colby wasn’t following. “I don’t understand.”

Lila opened her eyes but stared straight ahead. “We dated in college.” She laughed sarcastically. “But you know me. I figured out a way to mess it up. Even after all these years, it still haunts me. It’s been nothing but a weight around my neck.”

Colby definitely knew that feeling. “Oh” was all she could manage to say. Colby had never seen her cousin like this. Lila seemed slightly broken, not the confident woman ready to take on the world.

They pulled up into the front of Colby’s parents’ garage and parked.

Colby reached out and placed a hand on top of Lila’s. “By the looks on both your faces, there is clearly some unfinished business.” Colby’s next words were measured. “Maybe now is a good time to finish it. Or, at the very least, gain some measure of closure.”

Lila vehemently shook her head. “There is no fixing anything that happened between us.”

Colby turned off the car’s engine. “Are you sure?”

“That door is forever closed. It’s best we forget I ever saw him.” Lila, fearing more questions from Colby, quickly opened her door and got out of the car.

Colby watched her walk away. Whatever happened between Lila and Brian left a lasting impact. Colby wondered if she would ever be moved by a man that much. At one time, Colby thought that man might have been Derrick, but after the breakup, she only felt—relief.

Liam Lockwood’s face crossed her mind. It sent a shiver throughout her entire body.

She took a calming breath.That came out of nowhere.Or did it? Colby wouldn’t lie to herself. She could admit that she was mildly attracted to him.Thank God, Brian was the owner and not him.Colby hoped she wouldn’t have to run into Liam too often because she was on a mission, not that he would even be remotely interested in her.