Page 28 of Full Throttle

“Just so we are clear, nothing about me is average. Absolutely,nothing.” He let his words hang in the air to make sure she understood. “Furthermore, I think you assume too much about me. I was merely stating the obvious. You are one of the very few women in the business. Judging by the respect of your colleagues, and what I saw today, you’re a hell of a talent—even if you haven’t yet learned to reign in your temper.”

“I don’t have a temper.”

Liam took a sip of his beer. “I can read you like a book.”

“Oh, can you?” She scooted up to the edge of her seat and worked to keep her facial features blank. Colby rested her arms on top of the table, which put her breasts on full display. She didn’t miss his quick glance at them.Wasn’t that the reason she wore the dress in the first place? Even if subconsciously?For some strange reason, Colby wanted Liam to see her as a woman.

Her nipples hardened, and that space between her thighs tingled. Her voice betrayed her. It was husky. “What am I thinking now?”

“Really? We’re playing this game?”

“Game? I don’t play those. But I am calling your bluff. You said you could read me like a book. So, read me?”

She was challenging him.

His eyes darkened. Liam inched closer, but the table between them prevented him from getting as close as he would have liked. “You’re intense and passionate.” He was almost positive that passion extended to the bedroom.

“I drive cars over 200 miles an hour. That requires a certain level of intensity and passion, so that’s not hard to figure out.”

“You like pushing boundaries and limits. What I don’t know is how far you’re willing to go.” Would she cross that line? If given the opportunity, would he cross it? Liam couldn’t deny his own curiosity about what she looked like underneath that dress. His mind wandered off into inappropriate places.Was she a screamer or a moaner? Did Colby make any sounds at all when a man was driving hard into her body?

No words passed between them as they held each other’s gaze, neither wanting to be the first to turn away.

Liam was about to say something he shouldn’t when Brian came back to the table, not a moment too soon.

“Sorry, it took me so long. I got stopped talking to a couple of the guys.” Brian looked from Liam’s face to Colby’s. Something was going on. He cleared his throat. “Is my brother harassing you, Ms. James?” Brian joked as he tried to temper the sexually charged energy between them.

Her mouth felt like cotton.Shit. What am I doing?Colby could not get caught up with her boss’s brother.Why, dear Lord in heaven, would you let me be attracted to this man?I haven’t had sex in eons, and I could literally strip naked, andaway from Liam’s and shifted them to Brian. She tried to pretend that everything was normal and that there wasn’t any sexual attraction in the air. Her voice was a tad bit breathless. “Please, call me Colby.”cowgirl ride him in front of all of these people.She tore her eyes

“Colby it is.” Brian sat down. “I hoped we would have a chance to talk tonight before going into the garage tomorrow.”

Quietly, Liam sat back and finished off his drink.

Colby tried to hide the fact her heart was racing. She flashed Brian a brilliant smile. “You do realize I’m not an employee, right?”

“Don’t you think that’s something we need to change?”

Colby hadn’t been expecting that, at least not this soon. She sobered up pretty quick. A seriousness settled into the pit of her stomach. “Are you kidding?”

“No, I am not. We can discuss it further tomorrow, but I felt it was time to retire the ‘Colby’s not an official member of the team’ nonsense.”

Her face lit up. “I, I’m speechless! Thank you!”

“Tonight is about celebrating the events of the day, and tomorrow we can get into the details. Is that okay with you?” Brian could understand why Liam was mesmerized by Colby. He almost melted when she smiled at him. She had a confidence that oozed out of her, and it was damned sexy. It was a task to keep his eyes above her neck. Anybody who ever mistook Colby as one of the guys was delusional.

“Is it okay if I have a seat?” Lila arrived at their table full of smiles, then glanced around and froze. “Brian?”

The color drained from his face. “Lila?”

Chapter 10

“You two know each other?” Colby asked. Dumb question. It was evident that they did.

Was this some kind of sick joke? Brian hadn’t seen Lila in years. His chest tightened, air trapped in his lungs.

Colby caught a glimpse of his jaw clenching.

Brian had to clear his throat a couple of times before he was able to choke out any words. “Um...yeah. We met back in college.”