“Open it and see.”
Colby tore the paper off, and inside was a black band with Rodney James—The Magician—#12 embroidered around it.
“The entire team will be wearing them today. It’s my gift to Lockwood Racing.”
Colby wiped away a tear that slid down her face. She whispered, “Thank you. I love it.” They both stood for a moment lost in their own thoughts until Lila snapped out of it first. She clapped her hands together. “Okay, chop-chop, Chica! Let’s get you together.” She wiped tears from her own eyes. “Go hop in the shower and wash Mr. Liam off, and then I’ll do your makeup. I can’t have my cousin on that winner’s podium looking all crazy after you win! Now, go!”
Colby saluted Lila then took off for the bathroom. An hour later, she was dressed and raring to go. Lila had convinced her to sit still long enough to braid five large cornrows into Colby’s hair and apply a little makeup. Lila was putting on the finishing touches when Colby began to squirm. “Almost done.” Lila was just about to apply some gloss when Colby reared her head back and away from the lipbrush.
“Aht . . . Aht!” she admonished. “No, thank you to that.”
“C’mon, Colby. Just a little?” Lila pleaded.
“Nope. I’m good.” Colby picked up the hand mirror from off the side table to check out her reflection. “I can’t believe I even let you talk me into wearing this much makeup in the first place.”
“You are about to be splashed all over the cover of a gazillion magazines and blogs. I cannot have you out there looking like you don’t have family and friends who love you. I knew you wouldn’t have a hair and makeup team, so you better be grateful I’m here. Anyway, I know you like more of a natural look, so I didn’t overdo it.”
“You didn’t.” Colby continued to study herself in the hand mirror. “I get it. But lip gloss? Really? I’m a race car driver, not a fashion cover model.” Colby stood. “These people need to take me seriously.”
“And ashy lips is the way to convince them, huh?”
Colby smirked. “My lips aren’t ashy.”
“Not now, but they will be.” Lila searched her makeup bag until she found what she was looking for. “At least take the lip balm.” She placed it in Colby’s uninjured palm. “I can’t imagine how you’re going to look after the race.”
“I’m going to look like a winner.” Colby smiled cheekily and placed the balm in one of the pockets of her suit. “Now, hand me my aviators, and let’s do this.”
Lila did as she was asked and smiled broadly. “Cocky little bastard, aren’t you?”
Colby placed the mirrored sunglasses on her face. “Not cocky. Just confident. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m dancing with destiny today.”
Chapter 28
Colby walked out of her hotel room and was immediately surrounded by Markos and his security team and Brandy Coles, the PR specialist Brian hired.
Lila could tell that Colby was irritated by the intrusion. She was an athlete and needed her time to get into her zone. Brandy either didn’t notice or didn’t care. She talked a mile a minute as they walked down the long corridor that led to the private underground garage.
“The media is out in full force. They will be shouting all kinds of questions at you. Don’t answer any of them. I’ve already informed the press that you won’t be speaking to them until after the race.”
Colby nodded.
Their car was waiting as they exited the building. Markos opened the door, and Colby climbed inside, followed by Lila and Brandy.
Colby didn’t mean to be rude, but the second she got in the car, she put her earbuds on and rested her head against the headrest, closing her eyes while blasting her favorite tunes. She let her mind go blank.
It was race day. Nothing else mattered.
“Wait. I still have more instructions,” Brandy said.
“Nope. You’re done,” Lila countered. Brandy didn’t like it, but Lila didn’t care.
The ride over to the track was going to be a short one.
As the Atlanta Speedway came into view, Brandy attempted to tap Colby on the shoulder, but Lila caught her arm midair. “Just tell me what Colby needs to know.”
Brandy was thrown off balance, but the fierceness in Lila’s eyes let her know that Colby was off-limits. Begrudgingly, she told Lila the final details.
As they pulled through the gates meant for drivers and personnel, Lila’s eyes grew wide. There were cameras everywhere, and they began to surround the car. Lila turned to Brandy. “Is all of this for Colby?”