Ocean stares at me in awe, choking out, “You are one of the strongest women I have ever met.”
“And so are you.” I smirk, trying to lighten the mood. “After all, you did take on my brother.”
Ocean giggles, pulling her hands from mine and wiping at the tears running down her pretty face. “I'm not sure about that.”
Rising to my feet, I get myself situated on the lounger just as Mamma climbs out of the pool with Romeo in her arms. “I am. I never thought I would see it, but that man is gone for you.”
“I agree,” Mamma says, obviously catching the tail end of our conversation.
Ocean sighs, pushing up to a sitting position and taking Romeo from Mamma. “The feeling’s mutual.” She replies, wrapping her son in a towel. Pressing a kiss to his head, she coos. “How is my sweet boy? Did you enjoy swimming with your nonna.”
Romeo squeals, his chubby hands reaching up and grabbing at his mamma's hair. A pang of longing hits me, visions of me with Dante’s child assaulting my mind before I push it away. The what-ifs are the hardest pill to swallow. The life Dante and I could have had. The life we planned for that was ripped away. It hurts. So much. Sometimes I don't think I can withstand the ache. And I am sure that one day, it might kill me.
But for right now, I am still standing. Still living. Still breathing.
Which is more than I can say for the man I love, the man I lost.
I will never accept his loss for as long as I shall live. I can only hope that one day we will be reunited. Because in every life, I know we are meant to be together. It’s just a matter of patience, and when I will see him again. And I will see him again. In a universe full of souls, I know with everything inside me that ours will always find each other.
I have to believe that.
Otherwise, what was the point of loving him so fiercely? Of him loving me?
We may not have gotten our happy ending in this life.
But we will in the next.
I won’t accept any other outcome.
Chapter 4
“So, do you think you can handle it, Luca?” Vincenzo asks from the head of the table, his brown eyes hard on mine.
I shrug, my tone sarcastic when I answer. “I know it may not seem like it, but I am quite capable of managing the casino floor. My head is not what it used to be, but I think I got it.”
Vincenzo’s eyes narrow in on me. “Just let me know if you have any problems,” he hisses. “Benito will be your second in command for now. Just make sure no one is counting cards or stealing from us. If you find anyone breaking the rules...” he trails off, his face screwing up in anger. “Then you know what to do. Bring them to the fucking basement and show them exactly why they don’t fuck with our casino.”
Scrubbing a palm across my jaw, I stare at him with a bored expression. For the past month, it's been much of the same. Relearning the ropes of the family business and my life. Vincenzo Conti, I have been told, was,is, my best friend. We grew up together, our families the biggest names in Las Vegas. My papà, Mattia Mancini, along with Vincenzo and Caterina’s father, Edoardo Conti were killed in a shootout inside our casino over six years ago. During the aftermath of their deaths,Vincenzo and I stepped into their places, taking over the family business. The Palazzo Hotel and Casino Resort.
Our fathers built the business together as equal partners, making it the most luxurious and highest earning hotel in Las Vegas. Both Vincenzo and I were groomed from a young age to take over, and while I have no recollection of my previous role here, Vincenzo has filled in the blanks. I have always worked the casino floor, making sure everything runs smoothly and that patrons aren't committing fraud or anything else against us. And if they are… Well, let’s just say it doesn’t end well for them.
“Got it,” I tell him coolly.
Vincenzo sighs, shaking his head, his gaze never leaving mine when he speaks. “Everyone out but Luca.” The other men in the large boardroom file out, leaving us alone. Vincenzo’s jaw clenches as he pierces me with a look. “You need to get your head in the game, Luca. You've had enough time to come to terms with what happened, and I have spent the best part of a month teaching you everything from the beginning.”
I glower. Though this man is supposed to be my best friend, I don’t feel any sort of connection to him. In fact, he is a fucking asshole.
“I’m fucking trying, Vincenzo,” I bark.
“Well, try harder,” he snaps out before his tone softens. “And while I have got you, Caterina called me. She is worried about you.”
Fucking Cat. Why can’t she just keep her mouth shut instead of running to her brother for every little thing.
“She doesn’t need to worry. I am fine,” I retort.
His eyes narrow. “So why aren't you fucking her? If everything isfineas you say, why is she telling me differently? Why won’t you touch her? I fucking hate to say it, despise the thought of you and my sister fucking, but before all this shit went down you two were at it like rabbits.”