Because it has to.
Chapter 38
Pulling up to the big black steel gates, I sift through my memories for any recognition that I have been here before. My fists clench, frustration building inside me when I find none. Really, I should know by now that my memories will not just miraculously reappear and that every day is a work in progress, but still, I can’t help but think it will happen.
Nico and I talked a lot on the plane, him regaling even more stories of us growing up while I mostly listened. He also informed me about the doctor, who specializes in head injuries, he has contracted to work with me. Though I felt like a child with the way he was talking down at me, I couldn’t help but be grateful that he is as invested in my recovery as I am.
Despite everything being hard on me, I can tell it is just as hard on my best friend and his sister.
“Home,” Nico sighs from beside me, scrubbing a palm across his tired face.
We sit in the back of the blacked-out SUV with Matteo in the passenger seat and a man called Leo – who keeps looking at me in the rear-view mirror, like he has seen a ghost –driving.Apparently, I know Leo, and we were even good friends. Nico explained, I was with Leo at the club he owns the night I ‘died’.
“Yeah,” I murmur, despondently.
Truth is, and regardless of being cheesy as fuck, the only place that has felt like home since the moment I woke up, is Allegra. Before her, I was drifting. Floating around in confusion until I laid eyes on my angel. She tethered me to her soul, keeping me still and calm in a world where all I felt was uncertainty. She makes me feel that just maybe things are going to be okay. And the thought of holding her in my arms in a matter of minutes, is the only thing keeping me sane right now.
The gates slide open, allowing us entry. Leo starts up the long driveway. I take in the impressive, expansive grounds, lush gardens, big trees and I imagine that this was a wonderful place to grow up.
“That’s the tree you helped Allegra out of.” Nico jerks his head to a big tree near the perimeter. “You caught your finger on a broken branch.” His eyes drop to my finger.
Glancing down, I run my thumb over the old wound, mumbling out. “I hate that I don’t remember.”
“You will,” Nico says, his voice determined, just as the mansion comes into view.
Rounding the circular driveway, my gaze immediately goes to the woman rushing down the marble steps toward our vehicle. Warmth fills my chest, at the look of happiness on her beautiful face, but it soon turns cold when I’m reminded of what we still have to overcome.
Allegra comes to a halt at the bottom of the steps, bouncing from foot to foot and wringing her hands as she waits for me. She can’t see me through the blacked out windows, but I can see her. Every perfect inch.
Leo rolls the car to a stop, turning the ignition off in the next second.
“Ready?” Nico asks.
Turning to face him, I find his brow raised, a blank look masking his features.
“Yeah. More than ready.” I responded honestly.
He smirks, eyes flashing with mirth. “Let’s see if you’re still saying that after a week of my sister leading you around by the balls.”
Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. “I thought we already talked about this. You can’t say shit, Nic, when your wife does the same.”
He barks out a laugh. “You will soon see the difference between me and you. Now come on, let’s not keep them waiting.”
Without another word, he pushes the door open and climbs out. Matteo follows suit, while Leo holds back.
He glances over his shoulder at me, a smile curving his lips. “It's good to have you home, brother.”
I nod curtly. “Thanks, man.”
“You better go. Allegra is heading this way,” he chuckles.
I exhale a breath, a mix of emotions washing over me, but I push them all aside, ready to greet myprincipessaand shove the door open.
Allegra stands there, her blue eyes watery as she stares at me as if she can’t believe that I’m really here.
“Dante,” she chokes out.