My body thrums with nerves, stomach twists in anxiety.
Though I can’t put my finger on it, something feels off.
Maybe it’s the fact the love of my life is at home, waiting for me. Or it could be the weird energy surrounding my brother. Or maybe it’s the impromptu dinner Riccardo demanded. Without doubt it is no coincidence.
Sure, we have had a handful of dinners since the moment I sealed my fate and told Nico I would go ahead with this farce of a marriage, but tonight feels different.
“Keep up the pretense you always do during dinner. News outlets are now reporting on the fire in Las Vegas because of the high-profile family involved. If Riccardo hints at anything to do with what happened, act stupid, surprised. Do not give any indication that you know anything,” my brother mutters for only me to hear.
Side-eyeing him in exasperation, I huff out my reply. “I’ve got this, Nic. Give me a little credit, will you. I have played the doting fiancée part this far.”
Nico’s lips curve up into a smug smile.
“I taught you well, baby sister.” The pride in his voice is evident. “Nonetheless, I have one more piece of advice. Go in there with a clear mind. Push Dante out of your head. You cannot control your facial expressions at the mention of Dante. If Riccardo mentions him at all, I know with certainty you will give the game away.”
I frown, confused. “What do you mean?”
Nico grabs my arm, bringing us both to a stop. “The love you have for Dante is evident in your every expression. Don’t underestimate Riccardo, he is a smart man. He will use anything or anyone to try and trip you up. Don’t give him what he wants.”
Unease takes flight in my stomach. I feel nauseous.
Taking a deep breath, I shove it aside, focusing on the now and forcing myself to remember what is at stake here. Squeezing my eyes shut, I let everything, all outside noise, slip away. I can do this. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”
Nico searches my face, for what I’m not sure, before nodding and continuing down the hall to the door at the end. One of Riccardo’s soldiers, tall and threatening, stands guard outside but pushes the door open when he spots us approaching.
Nico steps inside first, with me right behind him. The room is large with two tables set up. One has two seats, one of which Riccardo occupies. The other has six. I don’t miss the way they are spread apart at opposite ends of the room, and there is no doubt in my mind that Riccardo orchestrated it this way.
Riccardo stands from his seat, his gaze raking over me salaciously, before he holds out his hand for my brother to take.
“Nico,” he greets.
“Riccardo,” my brother replies, coolly. “I have to say, I was surprised to get your call. Your insistence for dinner tonight was very short notice.” Nico’s voice is tight, and I know it is taking everything in him to restrain himself.
“Well, I had no plans, and I thought what better way to spend my Saturday night than with my beautiful fiancée.” He responds sardonically, his beady gaze locking on me. I inwardly shiver at the hint of threat in his voice.
“Hmm,” Nic hums non committedly.
Plastering on a fake smile, I hold my hand out. “It’s good to see you, Riccardo.”
His brow raises, but he takes my outstretched hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss there. Nausea rolls through me, but I resist the urge to recoil at his touch.
“I’m sure. Now, if you would like to join me, I have ordered a selection of dishes to try.”
Nodding, I link my arm through his, not looking at my brother as Riccardo leads me to our table. He pulls out my chair for me, and I take note of his unusual behavior. Not once has he acted like a gentleman in our previous meetings, so the sudden change is almost jarring.
“Who knew you were such a gentleman?” I muse, smiling up at him.
His eyes narrow, a smirk curving his lips as he takes his own seat. “I’m not, trust me. And I don’t want you getting any ideas. Because you will be disappointed.”
“Noted.” I shoot back, keeping my face neutral.
He eyes me for a long beat, before grabbing the tumbler filled with a finger of amber liquid and taking a sip. His gaze shifts over my face, a sadistic look sparking his dark eyes. There is no doubt in my mind he is imagining all the ways he can punish me.
“So, tell me Allegra. What have you been up to?” he asks, his finger circling the top of the glass.
My throat turns dry, I pick up the glass of water on the table taking a long pull. Riccardo watches me like a predator ready to sink its claws into its prey. I let the cool liquid soothe the dryness, giving me time to compose myself. I know I’m not at any risk right now, what with Nico in the room, but still, I can’t help the feeling of danger floating in the space.
“The usual,” I finally answer. “Spending time with family. Painting and learning to cook.”