“What about the signal blocker to stop me being tracked?” I mock.
Alessio throws me a smirk over his shoulder as he flashes a card at the panel on the private elevator. “Stuck on the breast pocket of your jacket.”
Glancing down, I search the pocket, my brow arching when I find the small chip attached to me. Alessio is thorough, I will give him that.
The doors to the elevator open, but instead of all of the guards joining us, it’s only me and Alessio that step inside. I briefly wonder why that could be, but Alessio answers my unspoken question before I can voice it.
“Precaution. In case the Conti’s are having you followed, and they decide to show up.”
“I was careful,” I mutter.
“That may be. But there is more going on here than any of us are aware of right now and until we find out what that is, we will ensure extra measures are in place,” Alessio retorts.
Glancing over at him, I search his face. The pride and awe in his eyes tell me everything. He loves the Marchetti family as if they are his own. And maybe they are, I don’t know, but something tells me that isn’t the case. Whatever it is, he isn’t afraid to show his emotions toward them. Which is more than I can say about my apparentfamily.Because there is certainly no love or anything else I feel for them. And I am pretty sure there never has been.
And that should tell me all I need to know.
Because from the moment I woke up, I have never felt a connection to them no matter what they told me. But, truthfully, had I never met Allegra, I would have probably never questioned it.
Which means they would have won whatever game they are playing.
I can only thank God that I went with my instincts and stalked my angel that night.
Otherwise, I would have spent my life living a lie, not knowing who I am or that Allegra even existed.
The thought alone makes me nauseous, and I quickly shake that alternate reality away.
I can’t think like that.
One way or another, I know deep down, I would have found my angel.
Whether it was in this life or the next.
Because this connection I have with Allegra, despite having been trying to ignore what is right in front of me, is more. I don’t remember, but the way my soul lights up whenever it is in her vicinity clearly does.
And maybe, just maybe, the calming of my heart whenever I’m around her, is the only answer I need.
Chapter 24
Waiting on the couch patiently, I watch the clock on the wall, the minutes ticking by almost painfully slow. I can feel Mamma and Nico’s inquisitive stares on me, but I ignore them. Ocean decided to stay with Romeo today, much to Nico’s annoyance, and even invited Athena to join them. Let’s just hope my best friend keeps herself in check and doesn’t make any inappropriate comments about my brother. At least Marcia is with them, should any tension arise.
“Could you be more obvious?” My brother's voice, filled with amusement, breaks into my stare off with the clock.
Glancing over at him, I shoot him a glare. “We are running out of time. We leave Vegas in two days, and I need to get through to Dante before then.”
Pain flashes in his eyes. I know this whole thing with Dante has been hard on him too, so he understands my urgency. Whereas all I can think of is reminding Dante of who he is, Nico looks at the logistics and reality of the situation.
“Don’t you think I want that too? Christ, Leg, I want nothing more than to have my brother back. But he isn’t our Dante right now. And we don’t know if we will ever get that version of himback. There is a big possibility he will never remember us.” He voices my fears out loud, but I refuse to accept it.
Shaking my head, I state vehemently. “No. I won’t, or can’t believe that. I will do everything in my power to bring him back to us.”
Mamma reaches over, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “We all will, honey. And of course we are here for you both. It just might be a long road to your happy ever after.”
The smile I flash at her is small but grateful. Because no matter how much I refuse to acknowledge the truth of the situation and bury my head in the sand, my brother is right. We might never get Dante back. It has crossed my mind several times but I just can’t bring myself to imagine that outcome. I won’t. It hurts too much.
“We also need to talk about Riccardo and what will happen going forward. He won’t break this contract, Allegra. Not now that he thinks that you are all in.” Nico brings up the elephant in the room.