Page 29 of Ruined in Vows

But it’s my papà’s stare that concerns me the most.

There is something undecipherable in his eyes, but whatever it is, chills me to the bone.

Instead of questioning it, I smile, placing my gift from Dante in my purse,hoping no one asks me about it.

And not because I am embarrassed about it, I want nothing more than to show it to the world. But I have a feeling that if it is discussed, it will open a can of worms.

One I won’t be able to come back from.

Chapter 19



The sound of a cell phone ringing brings Allegra’s trip down memory lane to a stop. Ignoring it, my gaze locks on my angel’s wrist, where the bracelet I apparently gifted her sits against her smooth olive skin.

I try to search my memory for anything that might remind me of that night but come up empty. Frustration claws at my throat, but I push it down, not wanting to lash out at the wrong person.

“I think that’s your phone,” Allegra’s soft voice has my eyes snapping to hers. She smiles, though I see the worry in her beautiful blue orbs.

Sighing, I fish my phone from my jacket pocket, glowering when I see the name flashing on the screen. Caterina. My jaw clenches, and I stab at the decline button rejecting the call. It’s pointless really. I know mywifewon’t give up until she finds me. And if she can’t, she will instruct her brother to search for me.

From what I have gathered from the conversations with Nico and Allegra, it seems that Vincenzo and Caterina have constructed a story and history close to my own. If I were to guess, the only reason for doing this would be so that, if any of my memories did happen to return, or I remembered anything, then they could pass it off as me just mixing up names.

Again, that is only viable if what these people are telling me is true. They both seem trustworthy and confident in what they say. So, if in fact this is all made up and they are my enemies, why go through the motions of all this? Why not just take me instead? Because they could. With the number of guards and weapons, they could easily just put a bullet in my head or use me as a pawn in whatever game they are playing. But I really don’t believe that is the case. Not with the way my body reacts and the fact that my mind is calm in her presence.

Once more, I have so many questions and no real answers. No matter how much I sieve through my damaged brain, nothing is coming back to me. There is a flicker of a memory, but it doesn’t form, leaving me even more frustrated at this whole messed up situation. The sound of my phone ringing cuts through the silence. Caterina’s name flashes up at me like a warning beacon.

Sighing out loud, I release Allegra’s hand and stand. I know that my time is up and if I don’t want Vincenzo to get involved, I need to answer. “I better go.” My voice is solemn, my body physically aching just saying those three words.

Allegra looks up at me, her face a picture of hurt. My chest tightens, and I have this weird urge to take her in my arms. To tell her that everything will be okay. But I am not going to lie to her. Because truthfully, I don’t know if it is.

“Right,” she rasps, swallowing hard, her teeth clamping down on her pouty bottom lip.

My cock jerks to attention, and I wonder what it would feel like to have the plump pink flesh wrapped around my length. I shake the thought away. Christ, I have officially turned into a horny teenage boy around this woman. I search her face. We never got further in our story, but… did we have sex? I want to ask her, but one look at her brother, and I am sure I will get a punch to the face. Or worse, a bullet in my skull.

“I would ask to take your number, but I don’t know if my calls and texts are being monitored.” I frown. “Now that I think about it, I don’t know if my phone is being tracked.”

“I’m one step ahead of you,” Nico says, sauntering over to us. “When my men searched you, they pinned you with this tiny device that blocks your phone from being traced,” he drawls, reaching for the lapels of my jacket and removing a small, round, black pin that I never noticed.

My eyes narrow, a glare forming on my face when I snap out, “Asshole.”

He chuckles. “There are no levels I will not stoop to, to protect my family.”

“I thought I was your family?” I shoot back, testing him.

The humor vanishes from his face, gaze turning sharp, calculating. “You are. But right now, Dante, you don’t know what is the truth and what is a lie. We know you, but you don’t know us. And until we can figure out what is going on with your brain, the extent of your injuries, we don’t understand what we are dealing with.” He shrugs. “You might never remember us. You might believe the lies that you have been fed. I mean, I have to give it to whoever orchestrated this whole thing, they are good and covered all bases. My job is to look after my family and find out the reasons behind such a detailed plan. I mean, they covered every avenue. So why did someone go to these extremes to remove you from our life and let us believe you were dead?” heasks the question, though he knows I am just as clueless as he is to the reasoning behind it.

“That’s all a good point you make Nico, but again, it could all be an elaborate part of some fucked up revenge plot you have againstmyfamily.” I hate the choked sound that leaves Allegra’s mouth at my words. My stomach turns, guilt coating my tongue. But I can’t back down now. I can’t afford to trust or believe anything right now. “Until I do some digging, and find the answers I’m looking for, I won’t believe anything as the truth.”

He barks out a laugh, shaking his head. Amusement flashes in his blue eyes. He is fucking mocking me, the asshole. Truthfully, there is a part of me that believes them. But I can’t be reckless, or foolish because this woman elicits a reaction in my cock. I can’t take their words as gospel. I need to use my head, not listen to my heart. Need to protect myself and go into this with my eyes wide open. I can’t trust anyone right now.

Movement out of the corner of my eye has my gaze locking on my angel. My chest constricts when I find the hope in her blue eyes replaced with the empty, lost look she held when I first saw her. I hate it. Want to remove it. My pulse kicks up, going haywire. I step forward, only to pause when I remember my earlier thoughts.Trust no one. Trust nothing.

Shaking my head, I realize that I can’t give her false hope. Despite not understanding this pull toward her, something tells me we are connected in ways I don’t remember. And as much as I want to take her hand and run into the sunset, I can’t. It’s not safe for either of us. Not until I find what I’m looking for. So, for right now, I have to keep her at arm’s length.

“We are your family, motherfucker,” Nico grates out.