Though I want to study Dante further, I turn to my brother, plastering on a big smile. He takes me in a hug, dropping a kiss in my hair. Despite being ten years older than me, we have always had a good relationship.
“Hey, Nic,” I whisper into his chest before wriggling out of his hold and shooting him a glare. “Why haven’t you visited? It’s been so long since we saw you.”
He rolls his eyes, tapping me on the nose. “Because I have been busy. Not all of us can be a mafia princess and lounge the days away.”
Narrowing my eyes, I fold my arms across my chest, offended. “I go to school. Plus, I have my hobbies. What do you expect me to do, Nic? It’s not like Papà will just let me leave this place.”
He chuckles, amusement lighting up his face when he moves past me, no doubt toward the kitchen, to where Mamma’s famous lasagna is. He calls over his shoulder. “I’m just messing with you, Leg.”
Mamma follows, leaving me alone with him.
Turning back around to face Dante, my skin prickles with awareness and need when I see his stance. He leans against the wall, legs crossed at the ankles, watching me with a lazy stare. My mouth goes dry, pulse going haywire. Tearing my gaze away from his face, I let it roam his body. Why does he have to be so goddamn hot?
My eyes snap to him when his deep timbre breaks the silence. “You look good, Allegra. All grown up.”
I blush, squirming under his attention. “Well, I am eighteen in a couple of weeks,” I tease.
He freezes. And I internally kick myself that I reminded him that I’m not of age yet. Gathering himself, he pushes off the wall, striding past me and avoiding eye contact. “Jail bait,” he mutters under his breath, no doubt hoping I don’t hear it. I grin, having heard it clearly.
Even though he knows it is wrong, he is clearly affected by me.
My eyes squeeze shut, head dropping back to my shoulders as I smile up at the ceiling in satisfaction.
Today Dante looked at me differently than normal… and without restraint.
It’s been a long time coming but I think I finally did it.
I made Dante look at me in the way I have wanted him to for what feels like forever.
As a woman.
It’s finally my eighteenth birthday.
Because of the nature of my papà’s business, I am unable to have a big party and I wouldn’t want that anyway. I only have a mere handful of friends and to be honest, that’s how I like it.
To celebrate my turning eighteen, my family and a couple of friends are going to New York City for dinner at one of my family's restaurants.
Athena - my best friend - along with Raven and Lillia are at my house getting ready with me before we, along with Mamma, charter my papà’s helicopter into the city where we will meet him, my brother and Dante.
Butterflies take flight in my stomach just thinking about my brother’s best friend. Things have … changed between us in the last couple of weeks. And though Dante has been theusual perfect gentleman, I haven’t missed the possessiveness he exhibits toward me. The heated looks he throws my way when he thinks that I’m not looking.
Silly man.
Does he not realize by now, I am always aware of his presence?
Would always seek him out and know exactly where he is in a room full of people?
Clearly not, if he thinks he is being inconspicuous.
So many times, I have almost called him out on it, but I held myself back, wanting to broach the subject tonight.
Now that I am legal and there are no excuses for him to push me away, I can’t think of a better time to do it.
The restaurant is alive with patrons as we make our way through the main area to our private room, surrounded by guards. We could have made use of the private elevator, used mainly for high profile guests looking for discretion, but I didn’t want to hide away. I want to make the most of my time in the city.
Sashaying through the tables, Mamma in front and my friends behind me, we make our way to our seats. My smile is wide, the excitement of what is going to happen almost too much. I feel sexy in my above the knee, tight gold dress and matching pumps. There is no way Dante can ignore me tonight, not when I have pulled out all the stops to gain his attention.
Entering the private dining area, I come to a stop, my breath hitching when my gaze lands on Dante at the bar. He wears a three-piece navy-blue suit like it was made for him and I have never seen such a beautiful sight.