Despite living in a constant loop of confusion, I will not settle until I have my truth.
No matter how awful that is.
Chapter 7
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I come to a stop in front of my brother.
His face is blank, cool indifference. But it’s a mask, one he wears well. Unfortunately for my brother, I know him well enough to witness the rage simmering in his eyes. He is not happy about tonight. And neither am I but it’s a request. One we cannot ignore.
Riccardo all but demanded - via my brother of course - that I join him for dinner, at a popular restaurant in the city that is in neutral territory. He insisted that it's simply a date so that he can get to know me better before we marry. It’s bullshit of course. Nico said that it's Riccardo’s way of showcasing his power and control when it comes to me. He is laying the groundwork, setting the standard for what's to come.
Of course, Nico wouldn't let me go alone and Riccardo would never expect it. In our world, it’s improper. Yes, my brother is more lenient than my papà ever was, but he is not about to let me have a meal with Riccardo Romano unchaperoned. Though he will be at another table, along with several guards, I will never be out of his line of sight, should anything... nefarious arise.
“Come on. Let's get this over with,” he grumbles.
I chuckle. “Why are you so mad? You knew Riccardo would expect dinners. He said as much in our meeting.”
“I can’t stand the asshole. And if I had my way, you would be nowhere near him.” Nico eyes me before starting for the front door. “Plus, Ocean is feeling sick. I hate having to leave her.” He pulls the door open, revealing the four guards that will accompany us.
I stop in my tracks, guilt hitting me like a freight train. Nico should be here with his wife, not chaperoning me. “Stay, Nic. I will be okay with the guards.”
Nico glances back at me, shaking his head. “No way. I am coming with you. I don’t trust that fucker to not pull some shit.”
Knowing full well I won’t win this argument, I sigh, sauntering to the door. “You have to cut the umbilical cord at some point. You do know you are not allowed to move into Riccardo’s penthouse when we are married. Right?” I half tease.
He glares at me. “Trust me, if I never had to hear the word married in the same sentence as you and Riccardo Romano again, I would die a happy man. You know how I feel about this whole situation. And I don't care what you say, I am still looking into other avenues to get you out of this arrangement.”
We stride down the front steps, rounding the side of the house to the garden and the helipad, the guards hot on our heels. “You need proof of his involvement with the Bratva so the commission will back you. I can get that by marrying him,” I argue, feeling like we are going around in circles with this conversation.
“What makes you so sure? Riccardo is smart. If he has been working with the Russians, then he has covered his tracks so far and done that well. I doubt he is suddenly going to get sloppy just because he is married.” His tone is pure condescension.
Anger surges inside me. Clearly my brother doesn't think that I am capable of doing this. He wouldn't question itotherwise. I know he is concerned, and he has every right to be, but he must trust that I am strong enough to do what is needed. Dante made me strong. He knew the life that was expected of me and taught me from a young age to defend myself. Nico doesn't know that, but still, he should have faith in me. I am a Marchetti after all.
“Trust me, brother. A man is sure to slip up when his attention is focused elsewhere. And something tells me that when Riccardo has his ring on my finger his focus will be on tormenting me,” I shout over the noise of the helicopter.
“That’s what I'm afraid of,” Nico mutters under his breath as we climb inside and get settled in our seats.
His words are ominous but still they don't phase me.
Because I am already living in purgatory.
“You are exquisite,” Riccardo murmurs as he watches me intently across the table. The statement should flatter me but the malicious gleam in his eyes unnerves me. It's all an act. That much I have determined in the thirty minutes I have been here. He is trying to put me at ease, make me comfortable, only to pull the rug out from under me later. I won't fall for his bullshit or fake words. I can give an Oscar worthy performance just as much as he can.
Plastering on a fake smile, I respond coyly, “Thank you, Riccardo. You are too kind.”
His devilish dark eyes narrow in on me, something passing across his features that I can't quite decipher.
Leaning casually back in his chair, his lips tip up in a cruel smirk, the mask slipping and the real Riccardo coming out to play. “I can’t wait to fuck what I am sure is a beautiful pussy.I hope you are preparing for our wedding night.” I stiffen as he licks his lips, his gaze shifting over the parts of me he can see and leaving a burn in their wake. “Birth control is a must. I won't have anything between us. When I break through your virgin cunt, I want your innocence smeared all over my cock,” he remarks crudely, his eyes flickering to my brother. Clearly, he is making sure Nico isn't overhearing the disgusting things he is saying to me.
Bile rises in my throat, threatening to boil over, but I push it down. I need to stay calm, and not react, which I am sure is what he wants. I pushed to go ahead with this arrangement. I need to follow it through. I'm not naive. I know I will have to sleep with him. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
“I’m already on birth control. So you don’t need to worry about that,” I assure him, though I think it was the wrong thing to say.
His head cocks to the side, anger flashing across his face. “That better not be because you gave someone else what is mine,” he hisses accusingly, only for me to hear. I don’t dare look at Nico. Though I have my features schooled he knows me well enough to know that whatever is going on over here is not good. He will jump in if I give him even a hint of my distress.
“I can guarantee you, Riccardo, that I am very much still a virgin.” Grabbing my glass of water, I take a big sip, cursing myself for even indulging this conversation.