“I want you to say something before I get ready to work,” she concluded. “Because if you’re in pain and you’re not saying anything, Saul, I swear to God …”
She wore a look on her face that said he should choose his next words carefully. I could imagine the way she was with their kids—to the best of my knowledge, they had three. I would bet anything that Wendy didn’t take shit from anyone and that anyone who tried was quick to regret it.
“If I need someone to wipe my ass, Rev will do it,” he replied in a similardon’t fuck with metone.
Wendy’s glare bounced from his to mine. “You’ll watch over him?”
I nodded. “Of course.”
She sucked at her teeth as she considered me with a skeptical scowl, then nodded slowly. “All right. If he looks like he’s in pain, come get me.”
“Will do.”
Now, in the time I’d been working at Midnight Lotus, I had never seen any signs of affection passed between Saul and Wendy, not even before or after working hours—hence why I’d had no clue they were even an item until Scott filled me in. But tonight, Wendy stepped up to Saul and ran her hands over the front of his jacket. Her gaze dropped to the buttons running up his shirt as she took a deep breath and sighed.
“I mean it, Boo Bear,” she whispered. I guessed she thought I couldn’t hear her, but I did. “Don’t hurt yourself more than you already are. I hate when you hurt.”
His stone-like facade lowered just a bit, and his eyes softened. “Sweetheart, I’mfine. If I wasn’t, you would be the first to know.”
She blew out another breath and nodded. Then, she lifted her hands, put her palms to his cheeks, and pulled him down for a quick kiss.
“If someone needs to be the hero, let it be Rev. He can handle it. You just watch his back.” She patted his cheek, then stepped away to glance in my direction with a wink. “Right, Rev?”
“Yes, ma’am,” I answered, lifting my chin higher.
She wagged her pointer finger at me as she began to walk backward toward the stage door. “Indie has had quite a few things to say about you.”
“Good things, I hope,” I said with a laugh, knowing my face was now the color of a fucking tomato.
“Oh, yeah,” she teased. “Verygood things.”
Then, with another wink, she turned around and jogged back toward the backstage dressing rooms, while Saul shot a warning glare in my direction.
“Something's going on with you and Indie?"
I turned to head to the bar, pretending I hadn't heard his question. I liked Saul. He was a good guy and a friend. But there was understandably a protective quality to him in regard to the ladies at the club, and I wouldn't put it past him to threaten me with my life at the very least.
He followed close behind. "What happened with Indie while I was out?"
I rounded the bar to grab a couple of bottles of water from the fridge as I said, "Don't worry about it."
His damaged hands rested tentatively against the bar, both curled into fists. He watched me with a scowl deepening the lines on his face. "What did I say the day I hired you?"
"I remember what you said," I answered, pulling the bottles out and nudging the fridge door shut with my foot.
He cocked his head. "Do you?"
"Yes, Saul, I do."
"We protect the girls, Revan. We don't hurt them."
He used my full name the way my father would, scolding me after doing something I shouldn't have, like the time he had caught Nate and me sneaking beers from his fridge in the garage. I looked up to smirk at Saul, to remind him that he wasn't, in fact, my dad and that he had nothing to worry about. But the threat in his eyes stopped my smirk from forming, and I could only swallow.
"I know," I replied, lowering my voice to match the tone of his.
"Then, what the fuck are you doing with Indie?" He ignored the bottle I'd placed in front of him as he leaned into the bar, bringing his face closer. "If you're just seeing her as a quick fuck, someone who can make your dick wet and—"
"It's not like that. It wouldneverbe like that," I interrupted, offended now that he'd think that way about me.