Page 47 of Indigo Sky

"I think maybe some pirates are just Lost Boys who got tired of being kicked around," I said, my mouth pressed against his ear and my gaze …

My gaze was on Indigo.

She stood there in the corner, wearing nothing but my suit jacket and her stilettos. Under better circumstances, I might say I'd never seen something hotter than the sight of her right now. But this wasn’t that kind of circumstance. Right now, her lip was swollen and bleeding. The tattered remains of her underwear had slipped down her thighs to hang, shredded, around one ankle. Her makeup was messed up, and her hair was disheveled. I could only imagine what hell this asshole had put her through before anybody had the chance to intervene.

She deserved her revenge.

"I got him," I told her, tightening my hold on both his wrist and neck. "He's not gonna hurt you again if you wanna take a swing at him."

Her eyes rounded with surprise, and her lips parted. "But … the cops—"

"Guy strung out on some heavy shit assaults an innocent woman. You think they're gonna split hairs over you getting a shot in?"

She hesitated for a moment longer before making up her mind. Then, she walked confidently over to where we stood. Not knowing what she had in mind, I made sure my grip was tight and that he wasn't going to reach out and grab her with the hand still wrapped around my arm.

Her face scrunched up as she mustered every ounce of hatred she held for this man and probably countless others. Then, she planted her hand against his shoulder, wound her leg back, and kneed him square in the nuts, knocking the wind right out of him.

"Asshole," she spat at him as I held onto his wheezing body, even as his knees gave out. "Disgusting, degrading piece of shit."

For good measure, she pulled back her fist and punched him in the jaw. Then, she turned around and stormed out of the room.

I had never been more attracted to someone in my life.


His name was Tyson Murphy. A mean-sounding name for a mean fuckin’ guy.

The cops came and slapped the cuffs on him. They didn’t even bother to ask what had happened after he assaulted Indigo and Saul. They just acknowledged us all with a nod and a, “We’ve got it from here,” then dragged the moaning fucker out.

Then, Sam made the decision to close the club early. He figured there wasn’t much point in staying open when Wendy was taking Saul to the hospital and Indigo was packing up to head home after being attacked. Ivy was already off for the night, and Crystal didn’t want to work the last two hours alone—understandably.

So, the club emptied out, and the rest of us scattered to get ready to leave.

Sam pulled his jacket on and addressed me, standing at the door, waiting to walk Crystal and Indigo to their cars.

“I’ll pay you for a full night,” he said, pulling his wallet out and removing a handful of bills. “Plus an extra hour.”

He counted the money and handed it over as I asked, “Are you sure?”

“Take it. You did good tonight.”

I nodded, not wanting to argue. “Thanks,” I said, tucking the money into my breast pocket with the tips I’d made earlier.

Crystal and Indigo emerged from the backstage hallway, both now wearing yoga pants, sneakers, and sweatshirts—their off-duty uniform. Indigo’s lip was swollen, but the bleeding had stopped. My jacket was draped over one arm, and as she approached, she passed it to me.

“Thank you,” she said, offering a weak smile, then grimaced. She touched her fingers to her fat red bottom lip. “God, this stings.”

Sam nodded sympathetically. “Take a few days, Indie. Feel better.”

She rolled her eyes toward him. “It wasn’t the first time I’d been slapped in the face. I’ll live. I can work.”

He twisted his lips, clearly wanting to argue. “I’m not gonna fight you on this because I know you’re gonna do what you want. But no dancing, all right? Take it easy. You might’ve been slapped in the face before but—"

“I’lldecide what I can handle, okay?”

He looked like he’d been slapped now as he pressed his lips together and nodded. “All right. All of you, get out of here. Time to lock up.”

I held the door open and let the girls pass while Sam turned off the lights. Crystal’s car was closer to the entrance, and we watched her and waved as she got in and drove away. Indigo’s was farther, and I walked her over while Sam locked the door and headed to his truck, parked in the back.