One of them turned to give me his attention as the other went to the squad car to write up the report.
“Look, I know you’re just doing your job,” I began, crossing my arms over my chest and shrugging, “but this is the second time something like this has happened in just a few weeks. The first time was at the club where we work, and that was bad enough, but this is my fuckinghouse. Someone washerewhile we weresleeping.”
Saying it out loud, putting it into the universe, sent a chill down my spine. Knowing this person had been right here,right beneath my bedroom window, and vandalized my car and driveway …
How was anyone supposed to feel comfortable here again?
“I can only imagine how violated you feel,” the cop empathized, his eyes soft and understanding. “All of you. Really, I get it, and I wish there were more we could do. All I’ll tell you is, listen to the warning. Watch your back. Get those cameras. And if anyone comes onto your property again and you happen to catch them in the act, don’t wait for us to get here. Do what you have to do to protect yourself and your family.”
His eyes conveyed a message, and I heard it loud and clear.
Kill, kill, kill…
“Remember that, okay? And, please … watch your back.”
I nodded, unseeing through a veil of red. “I will.”
Kill, kill, kill…
I have to stop here for a second and say that not a minute has gone by since that morning when I haven’t wished that was exactly what had happened. That the son of a bitch—whoever it was—had just shown their face on my property, thrown all caution to the wind, and let me handle it on my turf. Because, man, I would’ve. I was filled with so much rage, hot like molten lava, coursing its way through my veins that I could’ve murdereda goddamn moose with my bare hands had I been given the chance.
And I think … I think that’s what pisses me off the most now, thinking about it.
That I was never given that chance.
The fight had been unfair since day one.
Kate and I drove in silence on our way to her father’s house.
Mom had given me the keys to her car after what happened to mine.
“Just until the insurance gets me a rental,” I’d promised, and she’d waved a dismissive hand like it didn’t matter.
Kate was right; I was lucky to call that woman my mother.
Now, I looked across the car at the woman I had, less than twenty-four hours ago, confessed my love to. She was quiet, looking out the window at a sunny day with an expression close to jealousy. Like she envied the world for being able to enjoy a day that was wasted on us. Because after the morning we’d just had, there really wasn’t much we could do to make it better. No amount of love and sex could wipe that slate clean.
“You okay?” I asked and regretted it immediately. Of course she wasn’t okay. Neither of us was.
Still, she didn’t laugh or give me a nasty look when she replied, “Not really.”
“Do you really think it could be Jason?” she asked abruptly, turning from the window to face me.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. Maybe.”
“I know it probably sounds crazy, but I check up on him regularly, and from what I can tell, he hasn’t been anywhere near New York in years.”
I shook my head and tightened my grip on the wheel. “It doesn’t sound insane. Hell, if I were you, I’d want to know the guy’s whereabouts every freakin’ day.”
She sucked in a deep breath and turned back toward the window. “I was in therapy for a while after that all went down—"
“Yeah, I would imagine,” I interjected quietly.