Holy shit. That spark bursts into a flame, and I glance up as Jace squeezes my thigh harder. I wonder what he looks like in his transformed state. I suppose I’ll find out.
“It’s amazing you guys can smell that much,” I say, changing the subject. “Even when you’re in human form?”
Jace grins. “I can smell what you ate for breakfast. I can smell that you stepped in bubblegum at the golf course. And I can smell the second your pussy gets wet for us.”
The three of them are grinning at each other like idiots, clearly pleased they managed to get me riled up at the dinner table in a nice restaurant. But I’m thinking about how Eli left, and how much I wish he was here enjoying this with us instead. Maybe it would be too awkward, though, with the way the guys are acting.
Jace leans toward me and whispers in my ear while we eat. “You all right, Tiff?”
I don’t want them to think I’m not having a great time, so I plaster on a smile. “I’m fine.”
All three of them exchange a knowing look.
“Don’t worry about Eli,” Leon says, rubbing soothing circles on my back. “He’s always been like this.”
“You mean moody?” Quinn says.
“Thoughtful,” Jace corrects him sternly. I’m surprised to see Jace has a sharper side. “Reserved, maybe.”
I think about this as we finish eating. When the guys have wolfed down every piece of food in sight, Leon whips out a card.
“Where would you like to go after this, Tiff?” he asks, sliding it to the waiter. “Think we could all fit on your bed?”
My eyes must go huge because the three of them laugh. Leon tangles a finger in my curls and tugs my face toward his, then plants a rather charged kiss on my lips. When he’s done, I lean back against my seat, a little stunned. Then Jace tugs on my hand.
“Me, next,” he whispers in a sultry voice. When I turn toward him, he strokes my cheek, then leans in for a much more tender one. All I have to do is think about how he and Leon took me in their human forms, and what it might be like with them in his changed one, and Jace groans against me.
“We should get out of here,” he murmurs in my ear. “I can’t stand how good you smell.”
That’s when I hear a familiar raised voice somewhere in the restaurant behind me.
“I can’t keep doing this!”
I spin around so suddenly that I bonk Jace in the nose with my head. It can’t really be him? Here?
“What is it, Tiff?” Jace asks, rubbing his face.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper hastily, searching the faces of the other people in the restaurant. That’s when I spot Mr. Bosley sitting at a table on the other side of a low wall, right across from “Mrs. Smith.”
Maybe they are having an affair. I can’t make out anything that she’s saying.
“Someone’s going to catch on, Beatrice,” Mr. Bosley says, a little quieter now. “I have to stay low for a while.”
Once more, I can’t make out her answer, but he groans in frustration. “I know, I know. But it doesn’t help either of us if I get caught.”
Fuck. I have to get out of here before he sees me. I grab Leon’s hand in mine.
“We’re done, right?” I ask quietly. “We can go now?”
He frowns. “Yeah, just got the receipt.” His eyes follow mine to the other table, where Mr. Bosley sits with a face as red as a ripe tomato. “Who is that?”
“Someone we need to avoid,” I say, but it’s already too late.
“Beatrice” is standing up, sliding her purse on over her shoulder, lips pressed into a thin, angry line. As she passes by our table on the way out of the restaurant, she notices me sitting there with Leon’s arm around me, Jace’s hand on my thigh. She quirks an eyebrow.
“I’m glad it’s working out with the boyfriends again. But, Ms. Dockett, I advise you to seek other employment.”
With that, she strides past and out the door, letting it fall closed behind her. Mr. Bosley jumps to his feet to chase after her, and all I want is to hide underneath the table. I push away Leon and Jace, but it’s too late.