You’re disgusting, Leon.
Eli, as I expected, is the gentleman.
“What are you doing on your phone?” snaps Mr. Bosley. Shit. I didn’t even hear his door open. These guys are so distracting.
“Sorry.” I slip the phone into my pocket. He narrows his eyes but doesn’t say anything else as he strides out of the office for his lunch meeting. I quickly sneak out to get some drive-thru food, then bring it back so I’m eating at my desk when my boss returns, completely red in the face.
“Ms. Dockett!” He comes to a halt in front of me. “When you’re done getting ketchup all over your keyboard, I need you to sign off on this inventory manifest.”
I stare at him. Why would he want me to do that? I wasn’t there when inventory was taken—it’s usually the warehouse manager who signs off on what equipment we have in stock.
“I’m not authorized to sign off on these?—”
“You have one job,” he says with a withering scowl. “It’s to do what small things I ask of you. Do I need to go out and find another assistant?”
Fuck. I can’t get fired. Maybe he forgot to have the manager do it. Mr. Bosley would never, ever admit when he was wrong or made a mistake, and I don’t want to make him even madder. He might really just fire me in a fit.
Instead, I say, “Oh, o-okay. I’ll handle it.”
With a huff, Mr. Bosley drops the papers in front of me and returns to his office.
“This is a lot of AC units,” I mutter to myself as I sign on the line for almost a hundred of them, ten times as many as we usually have. Must be that time of year.
Then I file it along with everything else.
Chapter Eighteen
When I finally get home, I’m buzzing. I put on some comfy shoes for our date so I can enjoy myself while we’re trawling around the mini-golf course.
I’m a combination of anxious nerves and anxious excitement when I arrive. The whole place is fairy tale themed, which is cute but childish, and there’s a bumper car course next door. Given the way I drive, we should probably stay away from it.
I find the Lupine Landscaping truck parked in the lot with Leon, Jace, Quinn and Eli leaned against the bed chatting. When I park next to them, they all stand up straight and wave in unison.
Leon hugs me first, lifting me up off my feet and kissing me squarely on the lips. He grins as he puts me down, and then it’s Jace’s turn. This kiss is more tender but more charged, making me think of what he might do to me later. Quinn pecks my lips, then my nose and cheeks.
“You look cute,” he says, surveying my outfit of a short dress and brightly colored jewelry. “Scrumptious.”
Jace arches an eyebrow. “Scrumptious?”
“Isn’t she?” Quinn takes my hand as we head toward the entrance. “Like you could just eat her up in one mouthful.”
Leon laughs, but Jace just shakes his head.
“I promise you’re not a bonbon to me,” Jace whispers in my ear, and I giggle. There’s nothing like three devastatingly hot men lavishing attention on you like you’re the center of their world.
Eli is the only one who doesn’t speak. He gives me a cursory nod of greeting, and then as we head into the course, falls into step behind us.
“How are you?” I ask him, letting the other three go on ahead so I can walk alongside him. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
He offers a half smile. “Yeah. You’ve had a lot going on, haven’t you?”
I feel the flush before it even shows on my face. That’s one way to put it. “I guess so. I haven’t even gone on a good run in a while.”
He nods, like he knows already. “Yeah. I haven’t seen you at the site recently.”
That must be why he’s quiet today. We haven’t had the same chance to get to know each other, and I haven’t really put the effort into trying. I’ve been too busy getting to know his three brothers instead.
While Quinn, Leon, and Jace walk on ahead, all laughing and jabbing each other with elbows, I take a good look at him. I love Eli’s dark hair, and how his eyelashes are longer than his brothers’. He’s a little more slender, but his muscle is packed in tight. What does his werewolf form look like? He must have one of those knots, too.