“Good.” He leans even closer, and the scent of him rushes into my head—then straight down to the empty space between my legs. Holy shit. He smells amazing. “Are you busy tonight?”

I’m genuinely speechless. Is he asking me out? This just keeps getting weirder.

“I thought I would have plans,” I begin uneasily, “but Jace didn’t text or call.”

Leon nods, as if he already knows this information. “I told him it wasn’t time yet. And I’m the big brother, so he listens to me.”

My heart drops. “You told him not to call me?” Why would he do that? Now I’m annoyed that he interfered, and a little disappointed. Jace is his own person who can make his own choices, so why would he let his brother tell him what to do when it comes to his dating life?

“Jace will call,” Leon reassures me. “He’s very interested. Now, about the two of us going out.” He tilts his head. “Do you like Lucky’s? I’d love to buy you dinner.”

I wonder if Leon’s even heard half of our conversation.

“If I want to date Jace,” I say hesitantly, “then I shouldn’t also go on a date with his brother.” This should be obvious, but apparently it’s not.

A massive smile takes over Leon’s face. “So you do want to go with me?” he asks, and I think if he were a dog, his tail would be wagging. “Jace is the only thing holding you back?”

Of course I want to go out with a sweet, hot guy like Leon. If I had a clone, I’d happily do it.

“I mean...” I begin, then trail off. I’m far too ashamed to say yes, even though I’d love to.

“Tiff.” Leon’s voice is firmer now. “I promise Jace doesn’t mind if we go have a night on the town together. You can call him and ask, if you want.”

I don’t get it. This isn’t how I was raised. One person dates one person, the end, over with. There’s no “date one person and that person’s brother, too.”

Still, I find myself pulling out my phone anyway. If I call right now and Leon is wrong, then I’m potentially destroying whatever I had with Jace. Do I really want to risk it?

Leon gives me another one of his big grins, and it makes his full lips look quite kissable. “I think you’ll be surprised by the answer you get.”

His certainty is rather convincing. My heart racing, I give in and dial Jace’s number.

I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Jace picks up on the second ring. “Tiff.” He says my name as if he’s been expecting me.

I swallow hard, dreading what I’m about to ask. “Hi, Jace. I’m with Leon, and, um...” I take a deep breath. “He’s telling me something wild. I don’t know if I believe him.”

“How wild?” Jace asks, an edge to his voice.

“Well...” I trail off. How do I even bring this up? “He says he wants to take me out, on a... uh, on a date?”

Jace breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh, that’s all?” He asks this as if it’s one of the less surprising things he’s heard today.

“He says you would be fine with that.” I take a sharp breath. “That isn’t true, right?”

“Leon’s a great guy,” Jace says, sounding upbeat and casual. “I really look up to him. Figuratively speaking. Though I suppose he is taller than I am.”

“But?” I ask, waiting for the next part, where he tells me how ridiculous I am for even asking this question.

“No ‘but.’ I think he’d treat you well and show you a good time.” Jace sounds so cavalier about it that it stirs a budding hurt in my chest.

“What about you, though?” I ask. Doesn’t he want me just for himself?

Jace is quiet for a moment. Finally, he answers, “I want you to have fun.” Now his tone is thick and sultry. “Get to know Leon a little, the way you got to know me.”

I think of our kiss outside the bar, and how good his arms felt around me, his lips hungrily lapping up mine.

“What?” I ask hoarsely. “You want me to...?”