She’s right, of course. If Leon had told me at the beginning he was a huge, furry monster, would I have even considered a relationship with him? Maybe he wanted to get to know me first, too, before trusting me with the truth.

And after Quinn showed me what his werewolf form can do in bed, it’s definitely not a deal-breaker.

“Yeah,” I say. “He did have a good reason, I think.”

“I know you don’t like surprises.” Hannah puts a hand on my arm. “It triggers your flight-or-fight response. But maybe it’s worth asking yourself why you’re running. Are you afraid because it could actually work out?”

Her question stuns me into silence. Is that it? Am I scared of what might happen if I lean in to what Leon, Jace, and Quinn are offering me? Being the one and only for three whole super-hot guys—who also happen to be giant wolves—is a lot to take on, sure.

But it could be supremely lovely, too.

I sigh and guzzle down some more wine. “Maybe. I’ve never dated anyone who wanted commitment. I don’t know what it feels like.”

Aisling props her chin up on her hand, studying me. “Tiff. Do you feel like you don’t deserve it?”

I pause. It’s the kind of question only someone who knows me well would ask, and it stings that she’s right to ask it.

Is that it? That I don’t understand what these three men see in me?

“I’m afraid they’re—I mean, I’m afraid that he’s going to change his mind. That he’ll see I’m nothing exciting.” I squeeze my glass tighter. “I don’t want to invest in someone who will leave me.”

“So you want it?” Hannah asks eagerly. “Let’s say he’s telling the truth. Let’s say he really sees you for what you are, which is a smart, fun, sweet woman with lots of love to give, and that’s really what he wants. Do you want him, too?”

It’s easy to dismiss what Hannah’s saying about me, because she’s my friend and she’s biased. But in her hypothetical universe…

“Yes,” I say. “I do.”

My friends grin at me.

“Then let yourself have it,” Aisling says. “Explore it. Maybe it won’t lead to happily ever after this time, but you won’t know unless you try. And it very well could. He sounds like a good dude, Tiff.”

I nod in agreement. They’re all great guys, each of them with their own wonderful qualities. Maybe they really could be the thing I’ve been looking for.

Hannah squints at me. “You didn’t tell us how you met.”

“Oh.” I swallow another big sip of wine. “Well, uh… Remember those landscapers?”

“What?” Aisling gawps. “The ones who howled at you from the side of the road?”

I nod slowly.

“Oh my god.” Hannah starts laughing. “No way. You went out with one of them?”

“I ran into him at the bar. He was a lot nicer of a guy than I expected.”

Soon, both of them are cracking up.

“What a meet-cute!” Aisling almost spills her glass. “From ‘random dude howling at you’ to ‘serious, long-term boyfriend.’ I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“That will make a fun story to tell at your wedding,” says Hannah, smirking. “I’m happy for you, Tiff. Just don’t let the anxiety get the better of you.”

I ponder these words for the rest of the night as we drink far too much wine.

Maybe I do deserve to be happy. Maybe when Leon says I’m what they really want, I should believe him. And, maybe, the three of them are worth the risk.

As I walk home, I take out my phone and text Leon.

I’m really sorry I flipped out