“I met him when I was out jogging.” There. That’s close enough to the truth that she should leave me alone.

“You met him in your workout clothes?” she asks, a tinge of horror in her voice.

I don’t know if I can take it anymore.

“Yes. I did.” Something in me sparks to life after already telling her one truth tonight. “He thought I was hot, so he called me over and asked me out.”

That’s one way to spin the guys howling at me from across the street.

Mom gapes at me like she can’t even conceive of it. “And you said yes? To some strange guy?”

“Yep.” I plaster on a big smile. “He’s a good man, and no, you can’t meet him.”

“You’re so defensive tonight,” Mom grumbles. “Is this all because of this boyfriend? He’s turning you against me?”

It’s just like her to assume that we’re on opposite sides of a war. But I don’t want to fight this fight tonight, so I decide to back off and live to pick up the torch another day.

“No. I’m tired, Mom, that’s all.” I push away my empty plate of food and stand up. “I should get going so I can get some sleep tonight.”

She squints in a way I can only interpret as mischievous. “Is he keeping you up late?”

It sets me off-balance. Is she honestly joking with me? About my sex life?

I feel my whole face get hot, and Mom laughs when I don’t respond right away.

“Question answered,” she says, and I’m stunned by her playful jab. “Well, I won’t keep you out, then. But I hope you’ll introduce him to me.” Then, of course, she adds, “If it works out that long.”

And I had such high hopes for her.

That night, I don’t hear from Leon, Jace, or Quinn.

I’m not sure why I expected to after Leon agreed to give me space. They’re all just doing what I wanted. And this is what I want, right? To have some time to think, and decide if I’m up for being someone’s mate?

Or the mate of three someones. Whatever that word means.

I’m surprised when my phone lets out a little ping! and a new text message arrives. I don’t recognize the number, but it’s local.

Hey, Tiff, it’s Eli. Leon gave me your number.

I gape down at my phone screen. Eli, of all people? The sweet brother who helped me during my anxiety attack? Who then sat in the back of the truck and moped without even saying hello?

Oh, hi

I don’t know what else to say.

I know you’re overwhelmed right now. Please don’t think that because you haven’t heard from my brothers that they don’t care about you.

My brow furrows. He’s reaching out on Leon, Jace and Quinn’s behalf? Is he going to interfere and argue their case?

Another message appears.

Remember to take deep breaths. Everything will be okay.

I don’t know what to say, but I can hear the words spoken in Eli’s soft voice, and that steadies my nerves. I quickly type a message back.

Thanks for reaching out. I’m not sure what I want yet.

The answer comes immediately.