“It’s not?” My tone is getting defensive. I won’t forget Leon’s ravenous expression the first time we stumbled into my bed together, like he’d just walked into a sushi buffet. “That’s all this is, isn’t it?” My voice is getting higher and higher in pitch as my heart beats faster. “How all three of you just want to, you know.” I mime sticking a finger in a hole. Once again, they just want me for big tits, big ass, and apparently, a tight pussy.
Leon groans and drags a hand down his face. “That’s not what I’m after,” he says with a helpless look. “I promise. I like you, Tiff. I like you a lot.”
“But that’s a big part of it, isn’t it?” My chest feels tight, and my breathing is getting shallower by the moment. I fold the laundry, needing to keep myself occupied so I don’t get emotional.
It’s not really about me or who I am as a person. It’s just about instinct, and need, and whatever else drives werewolves to fuck. A tale as old as time.
Leon frowns and sits down on the couch next to me. “Tiff, please.”
He takes the shirt I’m folding and drops it into the laundry basket, then he places his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face him. When I don’t look up, he stoops low and peers into my eyes.
“You’re smart, funny, and beautiful.” I like the way his dimples deepen when he says this. “You work hard and you’re always kind. I really admire you. I would never have gone home with you that night if I didn’t actually like you. Smelling wonderful isn’t enough to make me want intimacy with someone.” He shrugs. “All it did was show me where to look to find my…”
He pauses, his expression tightening like he’s not sure how much to say.
“What?” I ask. “That’s the second time now. Your what?”
“My person,” he says finally, lowering his eyes. “My mate.”
I freeze, catching on this last word. “Mate? Like an animal?”
Leon’s sigh is deep as he rubs his temples. “There’s a reason that you’re so attractive to us. Our noses know things our minds don’t yet.” Those blue eyes of his lock with mine, begging me to understand. “I’m meant for you. So is Jace, and Quinn, and…” He trails off. “You smell incredible to us because our bodies know you’re perfect—mind, body, and soul.”
I’m meant for you. That’s a pretty big statement, and I’m afraid of how much weight it holds. We’ve only slept together twice. It’s a little premature to be thinking about more than casual dating.
My shoulders tense up. “And what does me being your ‘mate’ mean, exactly?”
Leon is clearly unsure of how he should answer. “It means someone you would give your life for,” he says eventually. “Someone who’s your whole world. Someone you want to care for, and make pups with, and—” He abruptly stops like he’s just realized he let his mouth take over.
All I can do is stare at him. “Pups? You mean babies? You want to have kids with me?”
This is insane. Having children has always been a far-off idea for me, something I didn’t really consider because I’d never come close to finding someone I wanted to have them with.
Leon drops his head into his hands. “I know. Sounds crazy, but I can’t help it. None of us can. It’s just what our bodies are begging us for.” Now he won’t look at me as he continues. “I understand if you want nothing to do with that. And all of us, too?” He chuckles darkly as he raises his eyes. “We picked up the smell at the same time and knew who you were then.”
“Is it as rare in the werewolf world as it is in the human world for three guys to all want the same woman?” I ask, half-sarcastic.
He just taps his chin. “No, I guess it’s not that surprising. We’ve always shared everything. And we’re a pack—it’s not out of the ordinary for packs to all imprint on one person.” He keeps saying this word, all.
“But it’s not ‘all’ of you,” I point out.
Confusion settles on Leon’s face. “Huh?”
Eli, the most polite and most reserved of the brothers, seems to be the only one with any rational sense. He must not be affected by whatever weird madness has come over the others.
“Eli’s not interested like you are. So only the three of you ‘imprinted’ on me.”
Leon frowns. “I didn’t realize you liked him.”
“I don’t!” I kick the basket of laundry away. “I don’t know him at all. Just like I don’t really know you at all. It’s a lot.” He’s basically telling me all three of them want to marry me. Have kids with me. That’s too much weight to put on a girl.
“I’m sorry, Tiff.” Leon’s brows pinch together. “I didn’t mean to dump so much on you at once.”
“Yeah, it’s a lot of pressure,” I admit. “I’m dating three guys, and I just found out they’re all werewolves hiding in broad daylight. I don’t know if I’m ready for all that other stuff yet. We’ve been on a total of what, one date?”
I hardly know them at all, and they expect all this from me? I shake my head as I fold a shirt, placing it on the ottoman.
Leon nods solemnly, but I can tell he’s hurt. “I understand. It’s probably a little overwhelming.”