He shakes his head and grins affectionately. “Just my brothers when we were pups. My dad’s a werewolf, my mom’s human. It’s hereditary.”
The more I touch Quinn, though, the more curious I get about him. There’s just one part of his body I can’t see.
“Can I...” I glance down at the tent pole under the sheet. I can’t believe I’m about to ask this. It feels like objectifying him, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. “Can I see what’s under there?”
Quinn looks like he’s been struck by a bolt of lightning. He pokes the shape of his dick under the sheet with a claw. “This?”
I nod. What exactly is a creature like him packing? I only got a glimpse of it earlier, and it entranced me.
Furrowing his brow, Quinn picks up the sheet and drags it down, revealing all of himself. While his balls are furry—goodness, they’re huge, too—the cock that pokes out of his fur sheath is enormous and pink, with veins spreading across the surface down to the lumps at the root. It’s wet all over, and reflexively my hand trails down toward it, over his belly. His muscles tense as I get closer, so I stop.
“Can I touch it?” I ask, my voice quieter. Maybe I shouldn’t want this, but I do. He turned into this because of me. Does that mean his werewolf form has desires, too?
And I’m one of them?
“That will make it take longer to go down,” Quinn says tentatively, but there’s an eagerness in his voice, too. “I won’t object if you want to.”
“It’s Saturday.”
He laughs and curls one clawed hand around his cock, holding it up straight for me. God, it’s huge. Not that I’m surprised given his size.
“Go ahead.”
The head of his dick in this form has an odd shape, not mushroomed like a human one, but still angled for penetration. White leaks from a hole at the tip. Down at the bottom, coming out of the fur sheath, is that lump—the same thing Leon and Jace had, but even bigger and more swollen.
Tentatively, I wrap one hand around the middle of his length, and it’s much too big for me to fit my fingers all the way around. I have to use both hands, and Quinn gasps.
“Oh, shit,” he says, as I drag my fingers up and down, testing him out. My palms skate along on his wetness, and his body jerks with each light stroke.
“Is that why you have, uh,” I run my palm over the big bulge at the bottom, and he lurches under me. “Is that why you guys have these? Because you’re…?”
Quinn’s mouth opens and his long, pink tongue rolls out. “Yup. It’s a knot. All werewolves have them.”
I remember Jace and Leon using this word, too. It felt intense yet great when Jace managed to get it inside me. As a werewolf, though, that “knot” is even bigger.
Would something like that even fit?
Somehow, just thinking about it is like fire racing up the branches of a tree, spreading from my hips to my arms and legs. I wonder what Quinn would feel like.
I can’t believe I’m thinking of him this way—a literal monster—but he smells just like he did when he was human, and his fur is soft, and his sweet face looks so worried that I’m going to reject him.
I lean in closer, still stroking his cock with my hands, and my tongue flicks out just to taste the tip of him.
“Fuck,” Quinn groans. “Are you serious?”
“Do you not want me to?” I pull away.
His eyes go huge. “No! No, not at all, please.” He awkwardly pats my head, trying to keep his claws away from my hair. “Please do whatever you want.”
I resume stroking, examining him as I go. His balls are contracting as I lick the tip of his cock. I swirl it around in my mouth, then bring it in as far as I can, which is, admittedly, not very far before I can’t take any more. Then I suck, drawing him out again, and Quinn growls. I don’t think that’s the bad kind of growl.
I work faster, gripping his shaft, running my palm over his knot the way Leon showed me. Quinn’s body snaps up when I grip it, and he lets out a low, grumbling moan.
“That’s so good,” he says, panting. “I... Oh, god.” He licks his chops with that long tongue as I speed up my hands and mouth, and drool spills from his fangs. “God, damn, I... I want...”
I pause licking him to ask, “What do you want, Quinn?”
For some reason, this huge, furry monster underneath me, placid and desperate for my mouth, is really turning me on. I feel powerful making him squirm and moan. He could probably tear me to pieces with those claws, but instead he’s gripping the comforter with them like he might fly off it.