Damn, he’s a good kisser.
“A-hem,” says a voice, and we instantly pull apart. The clerk is tapping a finger on the counter in annoyance. He gestures at the kids playing a shooting game nearby, who are unabashedly staring at us.
“What would you like to do next?” Leon asks me, steering us into a dark booth meant for playing a zombie game. “Because we could stay here and have a milkshake, or get a drink and talk all night. Or...”
The muscles in my abdomen clench at that or.
“Or what?” I ask, my voice coming out a squeak.
He arches one eyebrow. “Or we could leave.”
“And go where?” I don’t know why I ask the question when I already know the answer by the goofy, eager look on Leon’s face.
“What if we went to your place?” He smooths his thumb across the back of my hand. “Then it’s on your turf. You can do whatever you want, and you can ask me to leave whenever you need.”
I live in a small, one-bedroom apartment on the third floor that’s nothing to look at. The paint is peeling, and the water pressure is garbage. But taking Leon back there, where we can be alone, is marvelously attractive.
“Okay,” I say finally, and Leon lights up. “No judging, though. It’s the cheapest rent I could find.”
He guides me to the exit, his fingers finally sliding down to cup my ass as we head outside. “I’ll be much too preoccupied to notice.”
Out front, while I open my car door, Leon stops at a motorcycle parked two spaces over. “I’ll follow you.”
Why am I not surprised by the fact this incredibly hot guy also drives a motorcycle?
I get in my car and head back to my place, turning over in my mind what might happen next. What do I want to happen next?
My thrill at having Leon following me home, so we can be alone in my apartment together, begins to morph. What if once he gets me undressed, he doesn’t like what he sees? My hands clench tighter around the wheel. What if I’m not good in bed, because it’s been too long? I stopped trying to online date last year, and I’m probably out of practice.
What if, what if?
By the time we reach the parking lot, my breaths are coming faster and I wonder if this is really a good idea. Leon might be here for one thing, just like Chris, just like all those other assholes before him. I’m great for a one-night stand, for getting your fill of tits and ass. Maybe Leon showed me a good time and treated me like a princess only so he could get my clothes off, and then he doesn’t intend to call again.
And Jace! I met Jace first. Now I’m standing outside my apartment with some other guy—his brother.
I head to the stairs that lead up to the third floor, while Leon hangs his helmet off the handlebars of his bike. Briefly, I consider texting Jace again. Does he know? What if he’s disgusted when he hears I slept with Leon?
I must be showing what I’m feeling plain on my face, because Leon’s expression falls as he approaches me.
“Having second thoughts?” he asks, rubbing a hand down my shoulder. “It’s okay if you’re not ready yet.”
The words are so genuine that it makes my heart swell up. Someone like Leon... I don’t think he’s going to one-and-done me. Not after tonight.
“I’m ready,” I say, putting as much certainty into it as I can.
His grin is wide and exuberant. He curls his arm around my hip and pulls me into him, and I’m surprised to find a lump in his jeans press against my thigh.
“God. You smell so good.” He lowers his head to my hair and brings in a deep whiff. “So fucking good.”
His hands are wandering, and I want even more of them. When I look up, I find Leon staring at me with a feral intensity. He leans down, keeping his eyes on me, and pauses with his mouth an inch away from mine.
It’s an invitation, and one I’ll happily accept. I need to touch more of him, to feel his hands on my bare skin.
So I kiss him. I kiss him hard, because damn, I want him. I want to let myself want him, and be wanted back. His arms wind tighter around my waist as he kisses me, slow but firm, then his hand trails down to my ass. I gasp when he squeezes it, and his kiss deepens even more.
Then, suddenly, Leon pulls away. He gestures at the stairs.
“Lead the way,” he says, his voice deeper than before.