“Well, I?—”

“Be another pawn of the system if you want.” She lets her arms drop and turns away. “But it seems stupid to me to deny yourself because others might disapprove.”

Without waiting for my response, the woman strides off into Mr. Bosley’s office, opening the door without even knocking and then shutting it firmly behind her.

I stare at the space where she was standing a moment ago, like an abrupt storm just passed over and left me soaking wet in its wake. Part of me wishes I’d just told her to mind her own business, but another part of me wonders if she’s right. What was it that really upset me about Leon’s suggestion? That people would look at me differently? That they might disapprove?

I worry my lip between my teeth, thinking. Of course I wanted to say yes. Leon’s gorgeous and charming, if a little awkward. He smelled so damn good, and that lopsided grin of his was devilishly handsome. Not to mention those strange blue eyes.

I have to admit that she’s gotten into my head. So what if people disapprove? So what if my mom couldn’t stand the idea? She hates everything about me, anyway.

I pull out my phone and text Jace.

Can you give Leon a message for me?

The answer comes almost immediately.

He’s here, what would you like me to say?

I swallow hard and glance around, as if someone could be spying on me, before typing my answer.

I’d like to take him up on his offer

There’s a long pause before I see the three dots pop up.

He’s excited. He’ll text you

My heart does a somersault. I still can’t believe Jace is fine with this. His next message is even more surprising.

Have a good time. Look forward to seeing you soon!

It makes me feel warm all over, from my throat down to my thighs. Not a few moments later, my phone chimes again, and it’s a number I don’t recognize.

I’m really happy to hear from you

It must be Leon. He quickly sends another one.

Do you want to meet me at Lucky’s tonight?

I don’t hesitate this time before answering.

Sounds good

6:30 work for you?

A little bubble of excitement floats to the top of all my stress and anxiety. I hastily type out my answer.

See you then!

I’m putting my phone away, a pleased smile on my face, when the door to the office flies open. Mr. Bosley storms out, rattling the very floor like a herd of elephants.

“Ms. Dockett,” he says thinly, like he’s doing everything in his power not to grind his teeth. “Please schedule another appointment for...” He glances at the woman in the bun as she emerges from his office. “Mrs. Smith.”

I’m startled by the obviously fake name, but I pull up his schedule, anyway. While Mr. Bosley returns to his office, “Mrs. Smith” and I figure out a good time for her to return, and then she walks out, just as calm and frosty as when she came in.

During my drive home, I’m on autopilot as I think about what I should wear, what color eyeshadow would offset it nicely, how I could do my hair. The other night, I’d already been in my work clothes when Jace saw me, so I didn’t have an opportunity to prep. This time, with Leon, I really want to put my best foot forward—especially after speeding away in my car last night.

I feel a little overdressed when I walk into Lucky’s. Leon’s already waiting at a table in the back, wearing slacks and a collared shirt. I guess we’ll both stand out like sore thumbs. But wow, the button-up looks almost as good on him as his tight work shirt did. His neck is almost too thick for the collar.