Page 97 of Prized Possession

Marcus lets out a harsh snort. “Help her? You can’t even help yourself. You won’t even admit you have a problem.”

“I don’t fucki?—”

“STOP!” I yell, holding a hand out in front of both of them, stopping themfrom raising their voices any more. The tension in the room is growing, and if both of their egos expand anymore, we will get nowhere. “No more arguing with each other. You’re both going to shut up, and I’m going to speak.”

Jake looks suitably chastised and shrinks back in his seat, while Marcus’ eyes flash dark, and I can tell he likes me standing up for myself. I wish he’d stop looking at me like that as it’s making it really hard to focus.

I clear my throat and reluctantly drag my gaze away from his, so I don’t get more distracted. I reach over and grab Jake's hand again, and although he looks like he’s going to pull it back, he eventually lets me.

“Jake, the truth is, things have been so much worse recently than I think even you’re aware of. You aren’t doing your job properly, and although both Marcus and Dad are covering for you, it’s not going unnoticed. People are starting to talk, and it’s getting to the point where Dad can’t ignore it anymore,” I explain, trying to keep my tone as light as I can, so I don’t come across as judgy. I want him to understand the seriousness of the situation.

“What do you mean?” Jake asks.

Marcus somehow manages to discreetly move his hand to my lower back, rubbing slow circles in a reassuring way, so when he begins to answer, I know he’s calm enough that I don’t stop him.

“People have been commenting about it for a while now, and I’ve been downplaying things. I tell people you play hard but you work hard too, often letting you take credit for things that I’ve done.

“But now things have changed, as not only is my father aware, so is yours. They’ve hinted on more than one occasion that they’re not going to tolerate your behaviour any longer.”

“So, what does that mean?” Jake asks, running his free hand down his face again, suddenly looking really exhausted.

Me and Marcus look at each other, silently trying to work out which of us is going to be the one to tell him. I know it needs to be me, so with a slight nod of my head, I let out a sigh.

“This is the reason I’m being forced to marry Scott so soon. Dad has decided that you’re not fit to rule, and since you clearly don’t want to, he’s been looking for someone to replace you as his heir.

“As we have no other family who’d be eligible, the only option is for me to marry the person Dad wants to train as his heir. It would appear he’s chosen Scott.”

Jacob’s eyes darken now in a way that reminds me of Marcus, anger flashing across his face. “He wants to fucking replace me with that arsehole?”

“Well, it’s no secret that you’ve never wanted the role, and you’ve rebelled whenever he’s tried to teach you, but Dad always believed you’d step up whenthe responsibility was handed to you—which you’ve not done, so now he’s being forced to rethink.”

“I-I… I mean, well, I…” Jake splutters, struggling to find the right words.

“Dad always thought the drinking and drugs were a phase that would pass, but it’s only gotten worse. I think he’s starting to realise that you’re doing drugs and drinking too much to escape the world he’s pushed onto you.”

Jake shakes his head vehemently, looking a little sad. “I’m not going to lie and say I want the job, as I never have. But it’s more about things being forced on me than the actual job itself.

“I was raised to become the person Dad expects of me, and there’s no room for me to think for myself, or to do what I want to do. There’s actually parts of the job that I enjoy, and I care about the people of Blackthorn, I just hate the lack of choice.”

I let out a snort. “Now that’s something I can relate to.”

“Me too,” Marcus adds. “But if you truly cared about the people of Blackthorn, you have to realise how much they’ll suffer if things continue down this road.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Marcus lets out a long sigh, his hand stilling against my lower back, and I lean in to his touch, giving him as much support as I can.

“You have to know that I’m never going to accept Scott as an equal replacement for you. If your father announces Scott as his heir, I’ll have no choice but to tear up the peace treaty.

“Uniting your family with the Caprillos could potentially give him more power, and that would be a risk for me. I’d have to act straight away, to make it clear I won’t ever see Scott as my equal.”

“But that will start a war,” Jake screeches, his eyes wide.

Marcus’ mouth forms a tight line as he solemnly nods. “I wouldn’t want to do it, but I’d be an idiot not to think Caprillo was a threat to me.”

“I know putting off the wedding isn’t a fix, but I figured it would buy us some time,” I add.

“Time for what?” Jake asks, though I think he’s already worked it out in his head, he just needs to hear the words out loud.