Page 94 of Prized Possession

I can only imagine the war that will occur if Marcus is told he has to rule with Scott. It’ll never happen, and the peace treaty will be a thing of the past. We need Jacob to get his head on straight, but I’m aware what we’re asking is so much more than him just getting sober.

He’s never wanted to rule, and I’m pretty sure he’s acting out in this way to block out all the responsibility he suddenly finds is being thrust upon him. So asking him to embrace that, without the help of any substances, is going to be a tall fucking order.

“Yeah, I don’t think he’s going to take any of this well. I might need some time alone with him, just to sort of ease him into the idea before we hit him with the hard stuff.

“As siblings, we’re used to falling out all the time, and we make up easily, but I don’t want you to risk your relationship with him if he takes it badly,” I say to Marcus, who nods in agreement.

Marcus fixes his gaze on mine, sending a shiver down my spine. “If he kicks off, you better call one of us. I won’t let him treat you like shit.”

“People who feel cornered will lash out,” Miles adds, somewhat unhelpfully.

“Why are you here again?” I ask, sounding every bit as sarcastic as I intended to.

Miles glares at me as Marcus lets out a short laugh, before Miles turns to his friend, silencing him with just one stern look. Marcus holds up his hands.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. After the way Jake was with you the other day, I’m surprised you’re here too. It’s not like the two of you are even friends.”

My brow furrows at this. “I thought you were all friends, and have been since school.”

Miles’ friendly expression turns blank, though he throws a glare at Marcus that is anything but friendly. “We all went to school together, but me and Jake only know each other because we’re both friends with Marcus.”

“I could have sworn you were all close when you were younger. I know you don’t hang out that much anymore, but you used to do,” I state in confusion, distinctly remembering the three of them hanging out when they were teenagers.

It wasn’t just two people who were acquaintances because they share a mutual friend, I’m sure of it—so why is Miles lying?

“Look, it was a long time ago… Even if we used to get along, we don’t any more. We’ve both changed a lot, and other than because of Marcus, we don’t have any reason to see each other.”

Miles sounds almost robotic, like he’s reciting something he memorised just for occasions like this, yet there’s no emotion in his voice. I don’t believe a word he’s saying, but the look Marcus is giving me tells me to drop the subject.

Naturally, I’m about to ignore him when the doorbell rings.Saved by the bell,I think to myself. Though I’m going to make sure this isn’t the last time we have this conversation. Something happened between them that caused their friendship to end, and I fully intend on finding out what it is.

Marcus stands and goes to answer the door, startling me a little as I was sure Miles would go. He catches me looking and gives me a smirk that’s not quite as effective as Marcus’.

“It’s my day off. Marcus is pretty good at making sure I don’t do anything that would be considered working when I should be off the clock.”

Interesting. So he’s not here in a work capacity. Just another piece of information to file away for a later date.

Marcus walks back into the living room with Jake trailing behind him. As soon as my brother is close enough, I spring up from my seat and rush over to him, pulling him into my arms.

“Jake, it’s so good to see you. Thank you for agreeing to come,” I say, squeezing him tighter.

Although he wraps his arms around me in return, he’s oddly stiff, almost formal. I pull back just enough to get a good look at him, my hands still firmly on his shoulders so he can’t move away.

His short, dirty-blonde hair that’s usually styled into haphazard spikes has grown longer, and seems to be curling at the ends. His usually bright brown eyes are dull and sunken, surrounded by large dark circles.

Where I’d normally expect to see his rounded cheeks and dimples, his face isgaunt and pale, with patchy stubble splattered across his chin, giving off the appearance that he hasn’t shaved in a few days.

Although my brother is wearing the designer jeans and T-shirt that I’d expect to see, they now look baggy on him. His once muscular frame is smaller, and I wonder how the hell I missed all this when I saw him just two days ago.

I guess I was so focused on him being wasted and behaving like an arse, I didn’t look any further. If I’m being honest, that’s probably what I’ve been doing for quite a while.

If I acknowledged that he really looked like this, I would’ve had to do something about it, and mentally, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to take on anyone else’s problems.

Now I have Marcus to help me, so I finally allow myself to see just how bad things have really gotten for my big brother.

“Hey, Clo. You okay?” Jake asks, giving me a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

At least his pupils look normal, so he’s not high right now,I think to myself.