Page 77 of Prized Possession

“So, Chloe, how have you been? I think we should start talking about the wedding, and more importantly, my expectations for when we’re married,” Scott states in what I’m sure is supposed to be a seductive tone.

I turn to face him, concern spiking through me at the way he’s grinning at me. “What do you mean?”

His eyes light up, and it’s obvious I just walked right into his plan. “Well, once we’re married, there will be certain rules you’ll need to follow, and expectations you will have to meet, but as my wife, you’ll want nothing more than to please me.”

My grip on my soup spoon tightens to the point I’m surprised the silver hasn’t bent. My whole body is tense, and I’m sure he can see that reflected in my stern expression, yet Scott doesn’t seem to care.

“Like what?” I ask through gritted teeth.

This is one of those moments in life where I know I’m not going to like the answer, yet I can’t help asking the question anyway—and as soon as Scott opens his mouth, that’s confirmed.

“Well, for starters, I will set ground rules on what you can wear and the image you want to present to other people. Whilst I like you in this dress, you have skin on show that I wouldn’t want anyone but me to see,” he says, trailing his finger down my bare arm for emphasis, before dropping his hand to my thigh, trailing his fingers down until he touches the exposed flesh there too.

I freeze, squeezing my eyes shut as I bite the inside of my cheek so hard that I taste copper. Small droplets of blood hit my tongue, but I barely register them as all I can feel is his hand on my leg.

When Scott starts to speak again, his voice is even closer, his lips are practically touching my ear. “I will love taking you whenever I want, however I want. In fact, I might make it a rule that you have to be naked every evening, waiting on your knees for me in the bedroom, ready for me to give you some attention, but only if I choose to.”

His hand begins to travel higher, under the hem on my skirt, and my stomach rolls. The small amount of bread and soup that I’ve managed to eat threatens to make a reappearance, and my heart is pounding so fast, if my eyes were open, I’d probably be dizzy.

“I expect my wife to follow my every command. You will attend high society functions if I say you can, and you’ll organise charity events that make me look good, but other than that, your only job will be to make me happy.

“You can go out to make yourself look better, so manicures, pedicures,waxing, massages, things like that, but that’s all. No friends, no hobbies… Your whole life will revolve around me, your husband. Do you understand?”

My heart is racing as panic seeps into my bones and I can barely catch my breath. I squeeze my eyes shut tighter, hoping this is all a nightmare and I can make it go away.

Then I feel Scott’s fingernails digging into my sensitive flesh. He’s squeezing so hard, I’m surprised he’s not drawn blood. There will definitely be bruises.

“I said, do you understand?” He sounds more angry than he did the first time he asked me, and I know I need to reply, so I don’t wind him up more, but I don’t think I can make my voice work.

A short sharp buzz from the table distracts me enough to open my eyes. The sound of a text message coming through on my phone is both a welcome relief and a bit confusing, as everyone who normally texts me is sitting in the room with me.

I reach over to pick up the phone and Scott’s grip on my leg tightens. “It’s rude to use your phone at the dinner table, Chloe,” he chastises, sounding like my mother.

I turn to him, trying to find as much confidence as I can muster so that my voice doesn’t shake. “Sorry, but it might be important.”

I quickly use my fingerprint to open the lock screen on my phone, and for the first time I’m grateful for the privacy film that Marcus insisted on me putting over my screen.

I thought it was just paranoia, but he insisted, and I couldn’t be arsed to argue—now I’m glad, as Scott can’t read the screen from his place beside me.

If he were really desperate, he could hover behind me and he’d be able to read it with no issues, but it’d be clear to everyone what he’s doing, and I’m guessing since Scott is still trying to keep up appearances, he doesn’t do this. His grip on my thigh, however, remains firm.


I’m about thirty seconds away from taking out my hidden gun and shooting that cunt in the head. Is he hurting you? After the soup, excuse yourself to the bathroom and text me.

I look up at Marcus, but his gaze is fixed on his soup, like he’s completely unaware of the situation around him. I should have known he’d notice what Scott was doing.

I’m not even a little shocked to learn he’s got a hidden gun. Surprisingly, I feel safer knowing that.

Although Marcus appears uninterested to the casual observer, I’ve gottento know him well enough over the last week to see he’s anything but. He’s gripping his spoon so tight, his knuckles have turned white. His other hand is under the table, no doubt edging closer to his weapon the longer this goes on.

While his eyes appear to be fixed on the spoonfuls of soup he keeps bringing to his lips, I catch his gaze flicking over to me constantly before moving over to Scott. His eyes darken and his murderous expression flashes for just a second, making him look more dangerous than normal.

I quickly slide my phone into the small clutch bag I brought with me, that’s sitting on the table beside me, knowing that will make it easier for me to take my phone with me if I’m able to pull off this plan.

Once my eyes meet Marcus’, I give him what I thought was a discreet nod, but when Scott’s nails drag hard across my skin, I’m sure he saw. I hiss before quickly biting my lip to stop any more noise from slipping out.

Scott leans in closer, anger practically radiating off him now. “No wife of mine will be a whore. If you look at him again while I’m in the room, when you become my wife, I will beat your arse with my belt so badly, you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Not that I’ll care. As long as you can still kneel to swallow my dick, that’s all I need.”