“You should try walking a bit,” I suggest, since discussing how tight her cunt is didn’t seem like the right thing to say.
She nods at me, her hand still in mine as she takes a few tentative steps. After the first couple, her scrunched up face starts to relax, when she realises whatever she’s feeling isn’t as bad or as strange as she maybe was expecting. But after a few more, her eyes widen and her brows shoot up as a little moan slips free.
“Fuck,” she groans.
My cocky smirk grows as I can only imagine what she’s feeling. “What?” I ask innocently, which earns me a glare.
“At first I just felt sort of full, but when I walk around, there’s an almost enjoyable pressure when the egg hits my more sensitive spots. I can feel the pleasure building each time it happens. It’s not enough to make me come, I don’t think, but it feels good,” she explains.
I give her a mischievous grin. “Don’t forget, this is supposed to be a punishment. It’s not about making you come, Mio.”
“What? So you’re just going to drive me crazy, push me to the edge, but never let me come?” she asks, looking a mixture of confused and angry.
“I might let you come, but that all depends on if you’re a good girl for me. You have to take your punishment first. Now, we better go before Miles comes storming in to get us,” I say, heading towards the door, pulling her behind me.
Chloe squeezes my hand to get my attention, and I turn to look at her. “I need my knickers, Marcus.”
I shake my head. “You’ll get them back when I decide.” She opens her mouth to argue, but I cut her off. “Don’t argue with me or you won’t get them back at all.”
She looks stunned. Her eyes narrow at me, and the glare she throws at me is sharp enough to wound me, if I weren’t enjoying myself so much.
She pulls her hand out of mine, the only act of rebellion she can think of, and folds her arms across her chest, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout.
Thankfully, she doesn’t argue and follows behind me as we make our way to the car. Miles is standing beside it with a face like a slapped arse, throwing a glare at me that rivals the one Chloe is giving me too. I roll my eyes at them both.
“You’re late,” Miles says through gritted teeth.
I point over at Chloe. “Sorry, someone needed a little help getting ready.”
Her eyes widen for a second before she’s back to shooting daggers at me when she hears me blame her for our tardiness. Miles doesn’t seem to believe me anyway, tutting at me as he opens the car door for Chloe.
“You look lovely, Chloe,” he says, as he helps her climb in.
For just a second, a moment of irrational jealousy that I’ve never experienced before threatens to overwhelm me, and I genuinely consider stabbing my friend.
Then the logical side of my brain reminds me he’s just being nice, trying to put her at ease, and I climb into the car with a groan, wondering where the hell that possessive side of me came from.
“Thanks,” Chloe mutters as she slides into the back seat, pulling at the hemof her dress as she does, clearly not wanting to show off any more flesh, or risk flashing too much.
Once both me and Chloe are seated in the back, Miles climbs into the front and turns on the engine. He looks at me through the rearview mirror, and we have a silent conversation that we’ve perfected over years of friendship.
I motion for him to put up the privacy window and he rolls his eyes at me, the threat in his gaze more than evident, but he does it nonetheless.
Chloe watches as a window begins to rise in the middle of the car, partitioning off the front seats from the back. It’s a very handy tool if I need to have important meetings or calls that I don’t want to be overheard, or in this case, if I want to do something I don’t want someone else to see.
Although we can still see Miles, he can’t see us because of the one-way privacy glass. It’s also soundproof, so no matter how much noise we make, until we activate the intercom, Miles won’t be able to hear anything.
Once the window is up, Chloe looks over at me, no doubt wondering what the hell is going on, but when she finds me on my phone, she seems to relax just a tad. She doesn’t interrupt me, assuming that I’m working—I’m not. Instead, I’m messing with the settings on my phone, waiting for the perfect time to play.
Chloe turns away from me to look out of the window, relaxing back in her seat. She shifts about for a second, her brow furrowed until she finds a position that she’s most comfortable in. When she’s relaxed, that’s when I activate the egg.
I start on a low setting, but even that’s quite powerful when you’re not expecting it.
“Oh shit,” Chloe groans, her body tensing as she sits up straight, her eyes widening as she turns to look at me.
My lip tilts into a smirk as I watch the flush on her cheeks redden, her eyes darkening with lust. Her body becomes rigid, since she’s not used to the sensations, but as her mouth falls open on a moan, she begins to shuffle around.
“Something the matter?” I ask, sounding just as cocky as I intended.