“Maybe you should just try and make her feel a little more at home. If this is to be her home for the next two months, she needs to feel like this is her place too, rather than she’s just crashing at yours,” he adds.
I fix him with a pointed stare as I run my hands through my hair. “How do I do that?”
Miles throws his arms in the air, exacerbated. “You could just ask her?”
“Fine, I’ll do that,” I grumble, hating that I didn’t think of that.
Miles lets out a chuckle as he throws himself onto my sofa, reaching for the remote. “Get some sleep. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long few days for you.”
I consider throwing expletives at him, but decide against it. “Are you staying in your room?” I ask, and he nods. “I’ll save the big room opposite mine for Chloe.”
The smile on his face grows. He’s reading into what I just said, but I ignore him once again, moving towards my room to try and at least get a bit of sleep before tomorrow.
I hate that as soon as my head hits the pillow, my thoughts are consumedby her, and what it’s going to be like having her here—in my space, all the time. I was so caught up in the idea of something finally happening between us, led by my fucking cock, I didn’t even consider what I’m getting myself into.
From the momentI woke up, I did everything I could to distract myself from the ever-slow ticking clock. I went to my home gym and ran on the treadmill for a bit, before going down to the pool in the basement of my apartment block to swim a few lengths.
I rushed through my shower, not trusting myself to be alone with my cock for any length of time, without wanking to the thought of her being in my house. So, when the time finally came to go pick up Chloe, I felt like I’d been awake forever, and I’m exhausted.
Since we’re going over to the Santoro estate, which is a short drive away, Miles accompanies me and drives. I lose count of how many times I yawn on the journey over, and Miles tries not to laugh.
I fix him with a glare, but that only makes him shake harder. “I have a feeling the next eight weeks will be the death of you.”
“You better hope not, given I pay you good money to keep me alive,” I retort, much snappier than usual.
“You pay me to protect you from threats, not your own stupidity.”
My gaze narrows, as my scowl grows. “I get it, you don’t approve.”
“I didn’t say I don’t approve. I’m actually quite excited to see how this will play out,” he states, his smirk widening as he focuses on the road.
“Wanker,” I grumble, unable to think of a better comeback.
Miles laughs, but doesn’t say more. We allow the silence to fill the car as we turn onto the stupidly long gravel drive that leads to the Santoro estate.
Once we’ve passed security, Miles parks the car off to the side of the house, and we both climb out, approaching the large mansion together. Just as we reach the final step onto the wrap-around porch, the big white door opens and Caleb Santoro is standing there, looking less than impressed.
He looks a little surprised to see me, which is odd given this is the time I said I’d be arriving. Before either of us can say anything, the sound of an approaching car captures our attention. I turn towards the noise, and it only takes me a fraction of a second to recognise the vehicle.
Now I know exactly why Caleb Santoro is answering his own door, insteadof having his staff do it. As soon as the black Lexus is parked, the door opens and my father steps out.
Miles leans closer to me, whispering so only I can hear. “Did you know he was coming?”
I shake my head. “I haven’t told him about any of this. I didn’t know he knew…though I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Maximus Morelli knows fucking everything,” Miles chuckles, and I agree. My father is a worse gossip than anyone I’ve ever met. What has me more concerned is whether he’s here on my side or Caleb’s.
As my father approaches, he looks all business, dressed in the smart black suit he always wears when he’s working. I silently praise myself for having the good sense to wear my own suit, as I’d be in for a bollocking if he’d seen me here at the Santoro estate dressed in anything other than a suit.
He walks straight to Caleb, his arm outstretched to shake the hand of his long-term friend and business partner. Although they’re not as close as me and Jacob, a peace treaty was built on the foundations of their friendship, and it’s stood the test of time—so far.
As soon as he’s greeted Caleb, he turns to me. I take a step towards him, my hand out, showing him the respect he deserves as the elder of the family. His grip on my hand is tighter than I’d like, and his stone-faced expression gives nothing away.
Father pulls me in closer, leaning in so only I can hear. “You’ve got us in a right fucking mess this time, Son. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about any of this?” he growls, and this time when I look in his eyes, I can see the barely restrained anger shining back.
“There’s nothing to tell. I have it under control,” I reply flippantly, his eyes widening at my tone.
Before he can say anything more, Caleb interrupts us. “Let's go into the living room.”