“I want forever with you too. So, whenever you ask me, just know that I’ll say yes in a heartbeat.”
She kisses my cheek before pulling back, not aware of how fast my heart is beating after that.
“Well, that’s a pretty big spoiler,” I joke, making her laugh.
“Come on, we better get back inside to make sure Jake’s not breaking your rules,” she says, pulling me towards the door.
We go back to the booth to find Jacob is by himself. “Where’s Miles?” I ask.
“He said there was something he needed to check on, and he went into the office a few minutes ago,” Jake replies.
A few minutes after we slide into the booth, one of the VIP waitresses walks over to us. I recognise her as the new girl, Indie. I hired her about three weeks ago, and she’s been fitting in well ever since.
She’s a couple of years younger than me with long blonde hair that falls down to her waist in waves. Her bright green eyes glisten, and she wears bright red lipstick to emphasise her already plump lips.
She’s got curves in all the right places, and she wears clothes to emphasise them—no doubt so she can get more tips. But the real draw she has to my customers is her shy personality.
She’s quiet and timid, which doesn’t seem to match with the way she dresses or does her make-up. She’s an enigma, and men love those.
Sadly, from the moment she comes over to our table, Jacob is enamoured with her.
“Hey, can I get you guys a drink?” Indie asks, her voice soft, yet loud enough to be heard over the music.
I give her a polite smile. “Hi, Indie, how are you getting on?” I ask, my boss hat taking over.
“It’s going well, thank you, sir. I’m really enjoying working here,” she replies.
Chloe squeezes my hand suggestively and I remember my manners.
“Sorry, Indie, this is my girlfriend, Chloe,” I tell her, before turning to Chloe. “Indie started her about three weeks ago. She’s just moved here, but has been fitting in well.”
Chloe gives her a wave. “It’s nice to meet you, Indie. How are you liking Blackthorn?”
Indie shuffles from one foot to the other, looking a little uncomfortable. “Honestly, I’ve not seen too much of it. I’ve just been working and trying to get settled into my new flat. Besides, I’ve been here before, but it was a while ago, and I didn’t stay long.”
Jacob shifts closer to Chloe, holding his hand out to get Indie’s attention.
“Well, if you need someone to show you around, I can help with that. I’m Jacob, but most people call me Jake. It’s a pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as you, Indie.”
I throw a glare at Jake as Chloe rolls her eyes. Indie just stares at his hand before somewhat reluctantly reaching out to shake it.
“It’s nice to meet you too.”
“I can give you my number, if you want, and we can arrange something?” Jake adds, pushing his luck just a little more.
I fix him with a glare that he ignores. Indie’s eyes go wide and she looks terrified. “Oh, I… Well, I’m not sure?—”
Chloe takes pity on Indie and steps in. “Jake, you know you aren’t supposed to ask out the girls who work here.”
Jake glares at his sister, while Indie shifts uncomfortably.
“I was just offering as she looks like she could use a friend in town, nothing more.”
I let out a snort, which earns a death glare from Jake. Indie’s gaze flicks around the booth, before settling on Jake. She’s silent for a moment, then when she speaks, it’s so low and timid, we can barely hear her.
“I don’t mind, if it’s just as friends. Nothing more,” she tells him, and I’m shocked that Jake doesn’t seem deterred by this.
Just as they’re about to swap numbers, much to my annoyance, Miles walks back over to the booth. He greets us as he slides in next to Jake, then he notices Indie, and turns to look at her, only to freeze.