Other than a bloody lip, Frank looks fine, though I do cast a glance over at Miles, raising my brows enough that he knows I’m silently asking about the blood. He was supposed to bring him here unharmed.
“He put up a fight,” Miles mutters with a shrug of his shoulders,as Jake chuckles.
I know from my research that Frank is about our age, though his receding hairline and thinning bald spot on the top of his head make him look older.
He’s thinner than I was expecting, with very few muscles, other than his barely noticeable biceps, which stick out on his small frame.
I imagine, if he were to stand up, he’d be a little taller than me, making him look lanky. With his pale skin, he’s one pair of glasses away from looking like a science geek.
For a fraction of a second, I wonder how the hell anyone could ever be scared of this guy, then I remember that he uses drugs to overpower them, and once he’s made sure they’re not a threat to him, then he’s safe to abuse them. My rage grows the longer I think about it.
I pull up a chair and put it a few feet away from him. Jake does the same beside me, while Miles remains standing, hovering behind us. Once we’re seated, we remain silent, letting the tension grow as we simply stare at him, loving the way he squirms under our gaze.
He has the good sense not to speak, though he looks like he might a few times, his mouth opening, but no words fall out.
After a few tense, silent minutes, I clear my throat, making him jump.
“Do you know why you’re here?” I ask, sounding deep and dangerous.
He shakes his head rapidly. “No, I don’t.”
I look over at Jake, then back to him. “Do you know who we are?”
“Yes,” he mutters, looking terrified now.
“Do you know which of us you’ve wronged?” I ask, watching as he flicks his gaze between the two of us, his eyes widening as panic starts to set in.
“No, I don’t. I think you might have the wrong person,” he blurts out.
I pull out my phone, scrolling until I find a recent picture of Chloe. She’s smiling at the camera, looking at me with those bright silver eyes of hers, and I almost hesitate.
I don’t want him to see her at all, but I need him to see how happy she is, despite what he did to her.
I turn the phone, showing him her picture. I see the moment realisation hits, and all of the colour drains from his already pale face.
“Do you know who this is?”
He shakes his head in denial, but he doesn’t say a word.
Jake’s anger takes over, forcing him to chip in, and the sheer venom in his tone has Frank shaking in his boots.
“So my parents didn’t arrange for you to take her out? You didn’t go on a date with her?”
“I-I remember now,” he splutters, panic and fear making his voice strained. “We went on a date a long time ago, but we didn’t really get on too well, so it ended quickly.”
The lie tumbles out of his mouth quickly, his gaze flicking between me and Jake, and it looks like he’s holding his breath, no doubt praying we believe him—which we don’t.
“That’s not the way I remember it,” Jake replies calmly, and the rapid change in his mood has Frank even more on edge.
His arms are moving behind his back, as he no doubt tries to remove the bindings that he stands no chance of escaping from. I guess, in this escalating situation, he has to feel like he’s doing something.
“Chloe was gone for two days. She texted to tell us that she was with you, as you’d got on so well. Are you saying my sister was lying? Or are you lying?” Jake asks, sounding more dangerous at the end.
Frank shakes his head, looking around the room like he’s trying to find an escape plan. The room is empty, except for us.
“I-I… I’m not lying. I just… I didn’t want to talk to you about the intimate relationship I had with your sister. Nobody wants to hear about their sister's sex life.”
Hearing him say the word sex, like what happened was consensual, is like lava flooding my veins, and I have to bite my lower lip to stop myself from ruining the plan before we’ve even started.