Page 158 of Prized Possession

“I’m so proud of you, love,” Marcus beams, kissing me on the lips.

“Thank you.”

Marcus pauses for a second, looking a bit unsure about whether he should carry on or not. I wait, knowing he’ll speak when he’s ready.

After a deep breath, he fixes me with a tight yet comforting look, before speaking.

“Me, Jake, and Miles have actually made some progress. We’re in a situation where we can finally take out Frank, and we’re going to be putting the plan into motion tomorrow.”

I freeze as soon as I hearhisname, my breath catching in my throat as nausea ripples through my stomach. Marcus strokes his hand down my arm reassuringly, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

“Breathe, love. I’m only telling you because you have a right to know. I don’t have to tell you anymore, if you don’t want me to. But if you want to face him, to see him get the punishment he deserves, then I can absolutely help you with that.”

Once I’ve got my heart rate down, and I’m breathing normally again, I giveMarcus a tight smile. When I find my voice, I hate how small and weak it sounds, just at the mention of that monster.

“I think I need to see him, but only when he’s in a weakened state. I want to see him as scared as he made me. Then maybe I can get some closure, and bury his ghost for good.”

Marcus places his hand on my cheek, stroking me softly. “I’m so fucking proud of you, love. You are stronger than you know. But once we’ve taken him down, he’ll never haunt you again.”

I smile, knowing he’s the final hurdle I need to overcome, before we can truly start our lives together.

Marcus was right, this is the first day of our future, and for once, it’s entirely of my choosing. I’m finally living the life I want, with the man I choose, and I won’t let anyone take that from me.

Waking up with Chloe in my arms the next morning felt like a dream. Although she’s been sleeping with me every night since our first time, it feels different now that everyone knows.

What we’re doing isn’t secret or forbidden anymore, it’s out in the open. I know Chloe was worried I’d lose interest when the danger element was gone.

She thought I enjoyed sneaking around, being with someone who I wasn’t supposed to be, breaking the rules, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

If anything, worrying about all of those things made it more stressful. Having to choose between the woman I was falling for and the role I’ve been training for my whole life—not to mention possibly starting a war with my best friend and her family at the same time—was terrifying.

I didn’t think, no matter which option I chose, there’d be a good outcome. Yet here we are.

Today feels different, like the first day of the rest of our lives, and I intend to start it with a bang.

As Chloe sleeps beside me, her head resting on my chest, herleg thrown over mine, I keep my arm wrapped around her, despite having lost feeling in it a while ago. With my free hand, I grab my phone and send a text to Miles.


Are we all set?


Yes, I sent you the address.


Good. I’m very excited.


Jacob has just arrived. It’ll take all of my effort to hold him back, so don’t take too long.


Why is he there so early?