Jake groans beside us, but there’s a smile on his face. Caleb turns to my father.
“And you’re okay with this?”
My father shrugs his shoulders, throwing a small smile my way. “As long as Marcus is happy, that’s all that matters.”
For a moment I’m stunned, having never heard my father say anything like that before. I didn’t think he gave a shit about what makes me happy, having forced me into a life I didn’t choose.
But when it counts, when my heart is on the line, he’s by my side, and I can’t thank him enough for that.
“We’re happy together. This is just the start of our forever.”
As soon as I climb in the car, my body almost sags. I’m in this weird state of disbelief. Over the course of about ninety minutes, I’ve been through a wide range of emotions, and I’m mentally drained.
For a moment, in my father’s office, when I let go of Marcus’ hand, I thought reality was finally catching up with me.
I’ve spent the last few weeks living my dream, getting a taste of what my life could really be like, and despite Marcus’ reassurances, there’s a part of me that’s been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for it to be snatched away from me. I thought today was that moment.
I looked over at Scott, snarling and swearing, glaring at me like I was a piece of shit on the bottom of his shoe, and I had no idea why he was fighting so hard to marry me.
Then I realised it was nothing to do with me at all, he just wanted the power that came with me. He didn’t want me, quite the opposite actually…he was stuck with me. But it was worth it as he got the power he craved.
Then Marcus said he’d willingly break the treaty, take any punishment thrown his way, as long as he got to keep me—I was literally stunned.
It was one of those movie-type moments where you see it play out, but when things don’t happen the way you expect, you worry it was your imagination, and reality would kick in any minute.
Yet, this was reality. Marcus Morelli was fighting for me, and my heart doubled in size.
Even when guns were drawn, he put himself between me and the weapons, determined to protect me, even if it was with his own body. I was both annoyed and happy, all at the same time.
As Leo starts the car to take us home, I reach and grab Marcus’ hand, squeezing just enough to grab his attention. He looks over at me, and I give him my best glare, letting him know I’m about to start my lecture.
“You do know that you’re not a human shield, right?”
Marcus chuckles. “What?”
“When the guns were flying around in there, you put yourself in front of me,” I deadpan.
Marcus tilts his head to the side, looking confused. “Yeah, so?”
“So?” I repeat, sounding as exacerbated as I feel. “You are not a shield. Had that fucker shot you, you’d be dead.”
“Yes, but you wouldn’t be,” he states, matter-of-factly.
I shake my head in frustration. “You can’t take a bullet for me.”
He lets out a short, humourless laugh. “I absolutely can, and I will. Every. Fucking. Time.”
“Marcus! Obviously, I don’twantto get shot, but do you know how I’d feel if you took a bullet that was meant for me?” I ask.
“I expect it’d feel a whole lot better than a bullet wound would,” he replies sarcastically.
I slap him on the arm, which just makes him laugh again.
“I’m serious.”
He reaches over, unfastens my seatbelt, and lifts me onto his lap. I shuffle around until I’m straddling him, a knee on either side of his thighs. He places his hands on my cheeks, tilting my head down so I meet his gaze.
“I’m serious too. From now until the end, I’ll take every bullet that’s intended for you, and you won’t change my mind on that.”