He’s my best friend, and Chloe’s brother, and although we don’t need his approval to continue seeing each other, having it means more than either of us thought.
We fell into each other’s arms as soon as we got home, and fucked well into the night, which is why I’m not surprise to find it’s almost eleven in the morning when I start rousing.
Chloe is still fast asleep beside me, and whilst I don’t want to disturb her, I also don’t want to leave. I’m not going all soppy and watching her whileshe sleeps, but I enjoy the feeling of having her close, and I don’t want that to end quite yet.
Instead, I reach over to the nightstand and pick up my phone, choosing to work here as much as I can. With one arm wrapped around Chloe, rubbing light yet soothing circles into the smooth skin of her back, I navigate my phone with the other.
I do this for around twenty minutes before it starts to loudly vibrate in my hand, Caleb’s name flashing up on my screen. I quickly decline the call, but the noise is enough to disturb Chloe.
She groans from beside me, shuffling around as she stretches before opening her eyes, a small smile on her face when she sees me looking down at her.
“Morning,” I say, leaning down to press a kiss against her forehead.
“Good morning. How long have you been awake? You could have woken me,” she replies, her voice thick with sleep.
I stroke the hair away from her face as I shake my head.
“Only about twenty minutes. I had no reason to wake you. You can go back to sleep, if you’d like?”
She sits up a little, the duvet cover slipping just enough to give me a distracting glimpse of her bare tits, and she clears her throat when she catches me looking.
“Didn’t I just hear the phone?”
As if by magic, my phone starts ringing again, Caleb’s number flashing up for a second time.
“It’s your dad. I declined the call last time. He can wait.”
Chloe’s eyes narrow, and she’s just as curious as to why he’s calling as I am. He knows we’re busy today, as we already cancelled our Sunday lunch with him, after I told him I had urgent business, so he has no reason to call.
“You should answer, find out what he wants,” Chloe says, as the call rings off, no doubt going to my voicemail.
“He knows I’m busy,” I tell her, pulling her against me as I lean down and kiss her.
We’re just about to deepen the kiss when my phone vibrates again, this time indicating a text. I mumble under my breath about Caleb cock blocking me, as I pull up the message.
666 Blackthorn
As soon as I see the message, I moan loudly, pulling away from Chloe.
“Is everything okay?” Chloe asks worriedly.
“He’s going to call again and I have to answer. He’s used our emergency work code. If either a Morelli or a Santoro use that code, it means whatever the emergency is, it trumps whatever we have going on right now,” I explain, rolling out of the bed and pulling on a pair of sweatpants.
Chloe looks even more concerned now, but I don’t have time to comfort her as my phone rings. This time, I answer, “Yes?”
“Did you get my message?” Caleb asks, forgoing all the pleasantries, as I did.
“I did. What’s the emergency?”
Caleb sighs. “I’d prefer not to discuss it over the phone. I need you to come down to my office straight away.”
Before I can even try to fob him off, Caleb interrupts.