Page 132 of Prized Possession

Without saying anything more, he stands, dragging me behind him into the bathroom. I smile the whole way, pleased my plan to distract him has worked. I hope Miles is grateful.

Then again, it’s not exactly a hardship to let this gorgeous man ravish me in a jacuzzi, just to distract him from chasing down his friend. As plans go, this is one of my best ones.

When Miles showsup the next day to drive us to my parents house, Marcus is under strict instructions not to interrogate him.

I gave him a blowjob over breakfast, and promised he could do whatever he wanted with me when we return home, but in exchange, he couldn’t mention anything about yesterday to Miles.

I knew from the minute we climbed into the car that Miles was preparing for an onslaught, and he was shocked when no questions came.

He threw a smile at me through the rearview mirror, having worked out that I’m the one responsible for Marcus’ sudden character change.

It’s not a big deal. Besides, he’s been dealing with my family and Scott on my behalf, so I’m pretty sure he’s got the shittier end of the stick.

The drive to my parents’ house is annoyingly short, and by the time we arrive, my nerves are through the roof. My heart is racing so fast, there’s barely a gap between the beats.

No matter how hard I try to concentrate on my breathing, what started as slow, deep breaths are now close to hyperventilating. I’m also pretty sure I’m sweating in places I didn’t know I could sweat.

This time, I didn’t need any encouragement from Marcus to wear whatever I want. Without hesitating, I pulled on my skinny, blue ripped jeans, and a tight black vest, which showed a little more cleavage than usual, so I threw a baggy red and black plaid shirt over the top.

I added my trusty black and white Converse, that my mother has tried to throw away on numerous occasions, and I did my make-up the way I prefer.

After brushing my hair and leaving it down, I was done. One look in the mirror confirmed that what I was wearing would likely give my mother a heart attack, but I didn’t care.

I smiled when I saw Marcus dressed just as casually, his dark jeans and leather jacket making my breath catch in my throat.

Once we arrive at my family home, Marcus squeezes my hand. I hadn’t even realised he was holding it.

“Are you okay?”

I can tell by the concerned look in his eyes, he already knows the answer.

“I’m nervous, that’s all.”

“I promise, I won’t leave you alone with any of them. I’ll be there the whole time.”

At hearing his promise, I lean over and capture his lips with mine. It’s a deep, passionate kiss that says more than words ever could.

Dropping my gaze, my heart aches as I admit what’s on my mind.

“I hate that we have to pretend.” My voice is small and insecure, which obviously saddens Marcus.

He reaches over and grabs my chin, lifting my head until I’m forced to meet his gaze.

“It’s only temporary. One day, we’ll tell them the truth.”

I give him a small smile, trying to show that I believe him, when really my insecurities and doubt are overwhelming me.

“I know.”

Marcus’ gaze narrows, and I can tell he knows I’m lying, but thankfully, hedoesn’t say anything more. Miles cuts the growing tension between us by opening the car door for me, offering me his hand, so I can climb out.

From the moment we step inside, the dinner is just as awful as the last. The only difference is that Jake isn’t here, which is both a blessing and a curse. Without him here, drunk off his arse, acting as a distraction, everyone is fixated on me.

With Jake’s usual chair now free, Miles quickly sits in it, gesturing for me to take the seat he was in last time, so I’m between Marcus and him. Scott is still opposite me, a prime position for him to glare at me, but at least he’s no longer in touching distance.

Mother insists I sit next to her, like last time, as she has so much wedding stuff to discuss with me. Thankfully, my dad insists that nobody move. He’s hungry, and doesn’t want to delay eating while people change seats, particularly when wedding talk can wait until afterwards.

I couldn’t have been more grateful, even if he’s thinking of his stomach rather than me.