I can tell before we even reach our destination that I’m in so much fucking trouble, yet my body is humming with more excitement than I’ve had in a long time.
I’ve always loved pushing Marcus’ buttons, winding him up, and I think I’m about to get the perfect opportunity to do just that. No matter what punishment it may earn me.
My barely controlled anger is thrumming through my veins, my body practically vibrating as I storm through the club. Even people who don’t know who I am know to get the fuck out of my way.
The crowded dance floor parts like the Red Sea as I march through, pulling Chloe behind me.
She shouts at me, but the loud music and the sound of my own heart pounding in my ears, blocks her out. I know my grip on her arm is tight enough to bruise, but I don’t fucking care.
Before I pulled her away, my club security was taking care of that arsehole, making sure he knows he’s never welcome in this club again. I’m sure they will be issuing him with a strong warning about the consequences if he talks about what happened tonight as well.
He’s about to learn very quickly that he messed with the wrong person, and given the fact I own half of this town, it’d be really fucking easy to kick him out. I try reminding myself that option is a bit extreme, but when I’m battling my anger, it’s better than killinghim.
Just as I reach the back door, that leads to the alley, where we receive our deliveries, Miles steps in front of me. My face contorts into a scowl as I make sure to hold Chloe back, so she can’t hear whatever lecture he’s about to give me.
“What the hell are you doing, Marcus? I thought our job was to stop the Santoro siblings from going off the rails? Unless your plan was to do something so fucking reckless that it eclipsed anything they do, then in which case, you’ve succeeded,” he growls, his hand on my chest, a warning to take a second to think through my actions.
The only problem is, I’m not thinking clearly. Far fucking from it. “I can’t keep an eye on them both. So get your arse back inside and find Jacob. Keep him out of trouble whilst I deal with Chloe,” I state firmly, letting him know there’s no room for negotiating.
Miles narrows his gaze at me, and those piercing blue eyes of his stare at me like he’s trying to read into what I’m not saying. I almost want to squirm under the intensity. He’s always known me too fucking well.
“Maybe I should take Chloe home and you should concentrate on Jacob?” he asks.
I shake my head, my glare narrowing until it’s his turn to squirm. “No. Just do as you’re fucking told, for once, and get out of my way.”
My ice cold tone leaves no room for argument, and with an exaggerated huff, he moves away from the door.
Just as I’m about to step around him, he reaches out once more and places his hand on my arm. This time when I look at him, there’s a softness to his face that’s almost as annoying as his penetrating stare. This is his concerned face, and just for a moment, it makes me regret whatever’s about to happen.
“Don’t do anything stupid that you can’t take back.”
Before I can say anything more, he gives me a small head nod and walks away. The brief pause has given me time to catch my breath, and I’m no longer being driven by the rage flooding through my veins.
Now that I can’t hear my own heart pounding in my ears, and I’m calming down, I’m thinking clearer. Miles’ words of warning echo through my head and logic makes me question what the hell I’m doing.
Or it does until the annoying fucking woman behind me brings it all flooding back.
Chloe’s hand hits the side of my arm just a second before her loud, screeching voice seems to vibrate through me, given how close she is to my ear.
“What the fuck are you doing? Let go of me, you arsehole.”
I have no idea how long she’s been shouting obscenities at me, but it’s not until she hits me and is yelling in my ear that I hear them.
Suddenly, all the rage and irritation comes flooding back, pushing my calm away, like the sea bashing over a sandcastle, as ice floods my veins.
My grip on her arm tightens further, but I care even less now. With my other hand, I press the employee code into the security panel, waiting for it to flash green, before I push the door open, pulling Chloe out with me.
The alley at the back of the club is completely empty, and there are only two ways to get in. One is by car, under a security barrier that’s manned by staff at all times, and the other is through the door we just used. Since there are no deliveries expected tonight, it’s no great surprise that it’s empty.
I pull Chloe until we reach a dead end. With tall buildings on either side, and a large brick wall behind us, there’s very little light at this end of the alley, just a faint flicker of the security light above the door and the moonlight above us.
As soon as we reach the wall, I quickly spin Chloe around and press her back against it—harder than I initially intended, but my anger is running the show once more. I take a step forward, crowding her with my body, as I tower over her.
She gasps when my chest makes contact with hers, and I watch as she tries to take a step back before realising there’s nowhere to go.
Her piercing silver eyes are wide as she stares at me with a mixture of fear, confusion, and what I’m pretty sure is attraction.
She’s not attracted to you, dickhead. She’s scared of you, I tell myself.